Chapter 11

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Picture is drawn by my amazing gf! Insta:  cone_bils_d, Wattpad: d_nightlivestars

This was her first genshin drawing and she ate and left no crumbs, tbh.


Alhaithams POV

After spending the whole night just celebrating our engagement Kaveh started to show signs of extreme intoxication so I decided it was time to head back home.

Collei was also starting to doze off in her seat, so we said our goodbyes and each of us headed to their homes.

After entering our house we didn't bother to take more than our shoes off and just threw ourselves onto my bed, since it's slightly bigger.

We both looked at each other and although Kaveh probably wasn't really aware of anything at the moment, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

I lovingly carressed his cheek, also playing with the hair infront of his face.

Archons, was he pretty and I had just proposed!

The moonlight was shining directly to the ring and just seeing it glowing clasped around his ringfinger started making me feel emotional again.

Soon I'd be calling him my husband!

As Kaveh began to doze off, he leaned into my touch and murmured: "I love you" before losing the battle against his tiredness.

"I love you too, Kaveh," I whispered back, before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep too.

• • •

"So, you'll be wearing a black suit and I'll wear a white one, right?" Kaveh asked as we were looking through wedding magazines.

It had been a week since the proposal and now Kaveh and I were starting to plan everything.

He had had the good idea of keeping the colour of the suits slightly traditional by deciding his would be white and mine black which was actually an extraodinary idea.

We wouldn't look so monotonous and people would be able to distinguish us better. Also, Kaveh is very feminine and women usually wear white dresses and finally, Kaveh wearing white is basically his signature look and wearing black mine.

We only needed to order the custom suits and pick out the decorations and the location

I had also another surprise in storage that I would reveal at the end of the preparations.

This evening Tighnari and Cyno would come over to help us to choose good decorations and the guests. Also, Kaveh and I had decided to make them the best men, together with Collei being the flower girl.

When the three arrived we got straight to work.

Collei told us she had a friend in Mondstadt, Amber, and that she'd surely want to come and even join her on being the flower girl, which was a great idea.

Kaveh also wanted to invite Albedo, since he's a huge friend of Cyno. Albedo would then probably take his boyfriend Kaeya and his little 'sister' Klee with him. Also, knowing that Klee would come, Jean would want to keep an eye on her and then Lisa would go with Jean, her girlfriend.

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