Chapter 2

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Alhaithams POV

There I was, preparing myself for the conversation Kaveh and I were about to have. I had sort of planned how I was going to talk about his "problem".

I sighed and knocked on his door.

Kaveh opened and he looked up at me questioningly.

"Kaveh... you might want to sit down for this..." His face filled up with doubt "I know I'm not that good at talking to others... but... but there's something about you which has kept me worried..."

I took a deep breath...

"Kaveh... the night I brought you back from the tavern I found out that you hurt yourself... before you assume anything I'm not mad at you! I'm just worried... I know we fight but you're actually the only person I'd choose to stay with. No one else understands me better than you and thats why I want you to talk to me about it... Please?"

Kavehs POV

Fuck, I knew it. He had found out.

I started panicking.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Why did he had to find out? I don't want him to worry and did he really ment what he said or was it just to make me feel better?


Now I'm a bigger burden. Poor baby Kaveh in need of everyone, lied by everyone.


Why can't I just stop existing? Why can't I just dissapear? I don't want to worry anyone with my problems.

"Kaveh! Look at me!"

Alhaitham shook me out of my thoughts. I had started crying and he had a worried look on his face.

"Kaveh, It's all ok. I'm not mad, I promise..." He put his hands over mine. That made me cry harder. I didn't know how to react to that sudden affection.

"I-I'm so sorry... I-It's just t-too much... I-I don't want to worry you..." I stuttered, then Alhaitham hugged me tightly and I sobbed on his shoulder.

We stayed like that for a while until I calmed down.

"Kaveh?" Alhaitham asked softly

"Mhm?" I replied

"Next time you feel the urge to do it, tell me. I really want to help you get better and remember you're not a burden to me."

I nodded but still didn't fully believed what he said...

Alhaithams POV

I could still notice him feeling really bad even though I'd tried to make him feel better. With that in mind I came to a conclusion:

I was going to show more affect towards him and try not to fight every now and then. I wasn't sure how an antisocial asshole like me was going to manage it but I'll have to try.

Since it was getting late I made some instant noodles for Kaveh and me. We ate them together in Kavehs room. Once we finished I could see how tired he actually was.

"You should rest now, Kaveh", I said, taking the empty cups and heading towards the door, to let Kaveh sleep. My hand was at the doorknob, about to turn it when Kaveh said something.

My roommate... (Kavetham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now