Chapter 13

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Kavehs POV

Today was the day. 

We were going some final things before going to our two weeks long honeymoon.

Only Alhaitham and I.

We had already started packing two days ago, while we were staying in this cozy hotel in Mondstadt after our wedding and now it was finally time to go from Mondstadt straight to Fontaine, which is the location we chose for our honeymoon, in a ship.

We had rented a beautiful house with a private beach in the Belleau Region, near to Poisson and I was really looking forward to swim in Fontaines crystal clear waters and try all of the different foods.

Taking advantage of my mother living in the city of Fontaine we had also planned to go and spend a day with her and her partner there, which I hadn't met yet and was sort of a little anxious about meeting him.

I quickly pushed those thoughts away and focused on the good stuff. I was going to have Alhaitham all for myself for two whole weeks, it was our fucking honeymoon and Fontaine was a beautiful place to stay at.

So finally when we had all of our stuffed packed it was time to leave Mondstadt and get the ship.

Having said our goodbyes to each of the new friends we had made in Mondstadt, we were now on our own.

I intertwined my fingers with Alhaitham's and we both entered the ship, looking forward to the next few weeks.

The journey would only be a few hours, so we just stored our stuff in the luggage room and walked up to the deck to enjoy the view.

Alhaitham let out a long sigh.

"I always wanted to go on a ship and enjoy the sea breeze. And now I can do it with my handsome and loving husband".

I giggled at his cheesy comment, but I had to agree.

It had been a long time since I had had a real vacation, and to be able to spend it with Alhaitham was the best thing that could have happened to me.

We both sat down next to eachother on a nearby seating area on the deck and I rested my head on Alhaithams shoulders, while he put his comforting arms around me.

There was practically no one on the deck, which made us feel like we were alone on the ship and the sensation was magical.

"I love you" I whispered and Alhaitham replied with a "I love you more" followed by a kiss.

As I said, it was truly magical.

Seagulls were flying overhead, a light breeze was blowing through my hair, and the ship's engine was making that monotonous rumbling sound that was making me feel drowsy.

In the end I dozed off on Alhaitham's shoulder, his strong and comforting arm around me.

After half an hour Alhaitham gently woke me up, since we were about to dock.

Once we arrived, there was my mother greeting us with open arms.

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