Chapter 5

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Kavehs POV

Alhaitham carried me back home and even though I felt better the thought of just leaving this world still haunted the back of my mind.

I knew Alhaitham was suffering because of me and I wanted to get better for him but the process of recovery would be difficult and hard, making me just want to forget about it and keep my problems to myself, finding a way to just "deal with them".

"I'm so sorry..." I mumbled for the thousandth time and Alhaitham assured me everything was okay for the thousandth time too.

When we got home, we both went to bed and tried to reconcile sleep, but there was so much going through our heads that made it impossible to even feel a little sleepy.

Alhaitham held me close and that familar warmth spread through my body again. He was carresing my hair and I felt myself tearing up again.

How could he be so nice to me even though of what I had almost do to him?

I realised that with Alhaitham my life isn't that bad at all and I decided I was going to fight against my negative feelings and make his and my life easier.

As my decision slowly set my mind at ease, tiredness came over me and I slowly drifted to sleep, still in Alhaithams warm embrace.

"I love you..." I managed to say to him before I completely sank into sleep.

Alhaithams POV

I didn't wanted to let go of Kaveh. 

The thought that he'd actually leave if I did haunted my mind. 

I recalled everything that had happened this night and that made me hold him closer to me.

Once we were in bed I just wanted to give him back the sensation of comfort, just make him forget everything bad and demostrate him how much I love and need him.

My small gesture seemed to work as I noticed him gradually relax.

What I didn't expect was him telling me that he loved me. Those simple words he just mumbled half asleep made me tear up again. 

This 'I love you' was different. His voice was filled with hope and strenght to continue and overcome every obstacle in the future. Together.

"I love you too..." I whispered back, my eyes also getting heavier with each passing moment. "I love you so, so much, Kaveh..."

The next morning

I woke up before Kaveh. He was still curled up next to me, still fast asleep.

His mouth was slightly opened and his hair was all over the place. It was adorable.

I didn't wanted to leave him alone or wake him up by accident, so I just stayed in place and only snapped a quick picture of him like that.

Kaveh slowly started to wake up like half an hour later.

"Mmm...Alhaitham?" He mumbled in a hoarse morning voice which send shivers down my spine...

That had been hot.

A sudden thought of pinning him against the bed flashed through my mind, which clearly didn't help the emotions I was feeling at that moment.

"Alhaitham you both just woke up! Relax!" I told myself and pushed those feelings away. This wasn't the right time yet...

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