Chapter 10

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Kavehs POV

"Are you making soup again?!" Alhaitham asked as he entered the kitchen. He hugged me from behind and made a pout, something I had never seen on him.

"Come on, 'haitham! We have to celebrate that I recovered and why not do that with my favourite food and some alcohol?~"

One and a half months have passed since the accident. My body has fully recovered, only having left a deep scar to remind me of the accident.

Alhaitham sighed "I'll let it be this time. But only because you're right. We have to celebrate your recovery. Also, the scar looks really sexy on you~" his lips got closer to my neck, his hot breath hitting my soft spot.

"Not now, Alhaitham!" I giggled, slightly flushed, "My body surely won't handle that much"

"Awww~ you're a killjoy..." he separated from me, his hand sliding over my waist. God, I love when he does that. It sends warm shivers down my body.

Today was actually a really good day since I had finally recovered from my bad injury and I'd go and pay Dori the remaining money I had earned from the recent project.

I'd finally be free from all the debts.

Cyno also had the wonderful idea to celebrate it, although I think he said that just to have an excuse to show his new TGC cards and beat us all.

So, after having lunch (Alhaitham even made the efford and tried my soup) I got ready to pay Dori in person.

I was fixing my hair in the mirror when Alhaitham knocked on the door and came in.

"You're about to go, right?"

I nodded and put on my last hairclip, now being done and ready to go.

He then grabbed me by my waist, spun me around so that I faced him and whispered: "You know I'm extremely proud of you, right?"

His sudden action made me blush and giggle.

I kissed him and he kissed me back.

Once we broke apart Alhaitham told me some encouraging words and I left to finally pay Dori back.

Alhaithams POV 

Archons, every time I'm around Kaveh there is this 'thing' that won't leave my mind.

This 'idea' tormented my dreams and distracted me from work...

I had been debating about it these past weeks, not knowing whether it could be the best thing to do or whether it would ruin it all...

I had been thinking of proposing to Kaveh.

I knew it was too early and he just recovered from what could have been his death, but at the same time I couldn't see myself with anyone else.

Kaveh was the one I thought about when I thought about my future.

He was the one I wanted to see at the altar, in a white suit, saying 'I do'.

My roommate... (Kavetham fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now