What do they know

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I sat on the floor in the studio. Mike and Jason weren't back yet and Billie was probably somewhere far away by now. The cool ground added to the emptiness and cold guilt that I was feeling and I doodled in the dust on the floor to try and distract myself. I felt awful. Billie was my best friend and had opened up to me, and what had I done? I had treated him like some girl I had met at a bar. I sighed and got up from the floor, wiping my hands on my trousers. I had to find him.

I started out of the room just as Mike and Jason burst back in. I walked into Mike and they both jumped when they saw me.
"Hey, everything okay? I-"

"You're not, you know... you two don't have 'a thing' do you?" Jason interrupted Mike, walking up to me.

I could feel the heat in my cheeks and scrambled my brain for something-anything-to say. "I..."

"Not that I'm judging you, it's just that... you know you have a girlfriend, right?"


"And you have kids, I mean, they need you around and-"

I pushed past them both, fed up with Jason thinking he knew the situation and making me out to be the bad guy. Who was he to tell me how to live my life?
I jogged out onto the street and looked up and down the road. I don't know what I was expecting-it was highly unlikely that Billie would have stormed out and then just hung around outside. "Fuck." I muttered before wandering slowly back to the hotel. He'd be back sooner or later; I'd just have to wait for him there.

I waited up for him until 3 when I finally heard movement in the coridoor. It was faint and I could tell he was trying to be quiet, maybe not wanting me to know he was here, but I opened to door regardless. I snagged his arm before he could shut the door to his room and he jumped and gawked at me. The shocked look quickly turned to one of bitterness and he spat a short "what" at me.

"I want to talk to you, I need to explain why I did this... I just want to tell you how sorry I am."

"You've told me why you did it" he hissed, "you've explained already; 'we have families, it's wrong, it was easier over voicmail'. Well I've heard enough!"

"I wasn't going to say that, I wanted to tell you that I did it because I wasn't thinking straight and I'm an idiot. I did what I thought would be easier for me and completely forgot that this is harder on you than it is on me. I'm a dick, I know I am, but please just let me come in and talk."

He rolled his eyes in frustration, "I don't want to talk. It's fucking late and I just want to go to sleep."

"Can we talk in the morning?" I asked hopefully.

He shrugged, snatched his arm from my grip and closed the door behind him.
I sighed before returning to my own room to get some much needed rest. I had a strange feeling that tomorrow was going to be even more stressful than today so I guess I should get some rest...

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