Garden Confessions

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Margo's POV

"Come here, darling."

I scrunched my nose at the strange substance she was pouring into her hand. "What's that?"

"It's sunblock.. We already learned how your skin reacts to the sun the hard way. I will not be making that mistake again," she chuckled, and I hesitantly approached her.

She smeared the cool substance along my shoulders and I squealed at the cold sensation, the feeling giving me the ick.

"I know it's cold," she giggled, rubbing into my skin gently. "Hang in there, I just have to do your face. Turn towards me.."

She lifted her hands to my cheeks, carefully spreading sunscreen along my nose and forehead, before rubbing each of my ears, making me giggle. "There you go.. all done!"

"I feel so sticky," I cringed and she laughed, rubbing any remaining sunblock into me.

I followed her to a small gated patch of land at the side of the house, revealing a beautiful garden, and my eyes brightened at the sight. I had never seen such vibrant colors before, a variety of different flowers as well as fruits and vegetables.

"This is it!" She smiled, excited to show it to me. I could tell this was something that made her really happy, and I found that energy contagious. "It's not much but, I don't know.. I find it relaxing. Your welcome to join me in here, but you don't have to. I totally understand if this isn't something that strikes your interest."

I shook my head, feeling quite the opposite. "Id love to be in here with you."

Her eyes lit up at my response, her grin widening and she clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Perfect! I was just going to pull some weeds real quick. Do you want to water the plants?"

I nodded happily, and grabbed the watering can from the corner of the small fence, filling it at the garden hose.

"So how did it feel to sleep in your bed last night?" She asked while tending to the weeds, and I shrugged my shoulders, pouring water over the plants.

"Different, I guess. I lot of things feel different.."

She nodded her head, looking up to give me a small, understanding smile. "Yeah, it's totally normal to feel that way, especially after all you've been through.."

I shrugged again, recalling all of the changes to my life over the last couple weeks. It was weird being in such a different environment all of a sudden, it didn't seem real.

"It feels like I'm in a dream," I added quietly, and I felt her look up to me, but I kept my eyes on the plants. "Like I'm going to wake up and all of this is going to go away. And I'm going to be back there.."

I kept my eyes on the ground for a moment, letting the strange feeling wash over me before I blinked away the haze that threatened my mind. I glanced up to see her soft eyes that seemed to welcome my honesty, making it just a little less uncomfortable to share my mind.

"That must be a really scary feeling. That uncertainty that this new world that you've experienced so far will last. It's an understandable feeling to have when your so used to things taking a turn for the worst," she acknowledged gently, validating my thoughts. She gave me a sympathetic smile, slowly nodding her head.

I nodded, dropping my eyes back to the plants. "Sometimes I'm afraid he's going to come back for me, especially when i see things that remind me of him. It all just sort of hits me.."

I kept my eyes on the ground, feeling memories begin to come back to me, and I cringed in discomfort of my own thoughts. She must have noticed the shift because she was soon knelt beside me, carefully slipping her hands around one of mine.

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