Lowering the Walls

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Margo's POV

For the first time that I can ever remember, I let myself lean on someone whole heartedly, leaving myself completely vulnerable, but there something beautiful about the way I could do that without being taken advantage of.

Lizzie's embrace was warm and safe, wrapping me up in a cloud of peace that felt like a dream. I took in every one of my senses in the moment.

The soft touch of her hands, the warmth radiating from her palms onto my back as she drew small circles with her thumbs.

The sound of her slow, gentle breathing mixed with her faint heartbeat that I could make out while my head leaned on her chest, and I found that the sound slowed my own rhythm to match hers.

Her scent was clean and fresh, the sweetness was now a smell I associated with her, washing me with the same feeling of comfort every time I breathed in.

Part of me was afraid how attached I was getting to her, but I didn't want to acknowledge that fear right now, only wanting to live in this moment, memorizing every detail so that I may be able to look back on this. Who knows how long this will ever last.

"Feeling a little bit better, hunny?" Her soft voice broke me from my thoughts, and I nodded my head into her, afraid that if I pulled away, I'd never have this feeling again, so I was relieved when she didn't move.

"That's good," she whispered, her finger tips finding the goosebumps on my arms and tracing gently up and down. "Sometimes, all we need is a hug to get through the tough times, so I'm glad I'm here with you, because I have plenty of those to give," she laughed quietly, and I smiled to myself.

"I don't want to let go," I slipped out, my eyes widening the second I said it.

Great, Margo..

I sat up slightly, pulling myself away, but was surprised when she immediately pulled me back into her arms, giving another gentle squeeze.

"Hey, hey.. It's okay, I won't let go, and you don't have to either.."

I paused for a moment before settling back down into her arms, giving into my starvation for physical touch.

"Is there any movie or show that you'd like to watch?" She asked, scrolling through Netflix, and I shook my head.

"I-I never really watched tv before," I mumbled quietly, and she hummed in response, but I could tell she was thinking.

I haven't met very many people in my life, giving me few opportunities to compare my childhood to other kids, but I knew enough to understand that mine was quite different from most. I'm sure my lack of understanding in pop culture and social norms probably made me incredibly weird, but it wasn't until I was taken from Brian that I began to feel left out from everything I missed.

She settled for another cartoon movie, one that was oddly familiar to me. The Lion King. I recognize parts of it, especially the music that was fairly catchy, but I couldn't tell you where or when I ever saw it, only pieces of memories.

"Um.. Lizzie?" I spoke up after much debate over myself, and she gently scratched my arm while I pulled myself further into her chest. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Do.. D-do you.. own.. me now?"

Lizzie's POV

Own her?

I stretched my head out to the side, trying to meet her eyes but she only pulled herself closer, afraid to make eye contact. I gently stroked her arm with my fingertips, already feeling her anxiety beginning to increase.

"Own you? What do you mean?" I asked carefully, not wanting to assume what she was asking, but I was fairly certain where she was coming from.

"Like.. Like how Brian owned me, and I was his and now I'm with you?"

I was right.. She thinks I'm buying her.

"Oh, no no, baby.. What him and all the people before him did to you was wrong, and I promise you, that's not why you're here with me, okay?"

She gently pulled back this time, a flicker of pain flashing over her face as she adjusted to meet my eyes, and I subconsciously lifted a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Then, what am I to you?" She asked curiously, and I began to realize how truly isolated this poor girl was from society. I looked between her eyes carefully, not even sure how to answer her question.

"Margo," I trailed off, trying to figure how to explain this to her. "Do you know what adoption is?"

She gave me a strange look, shaking her head in confusion, and I sighed, finding myself holding back a smile at the sight of her face. It was so adorable and innocent, a child like curiosity in her eyes that seemed so pure, and I wanted to protect what was left of it.

There was still a spark in her eyes. It was very faint, and didn't come out very often, but I was going to do everything in my power to shield it like a small flame in my hands, providing coverage from the threatening winds.

"Adoption is when an adult raises someone that isn't biologically related to them as their child.." I tried to phrase it in the best way I could, raising an eyebrow as I gauged her reaction. "Does that make sense at all?"

Her eyebrows knit together in thought for a few seconds, glancing up at me a few times as if she was skeptical of her own conclusions. "You.. want to be my mother?" She asked nervously, and I smiled warmly, nodding my head. I watched her continue to battle with her thoughts, a mix of emotions casting over her and I tilted my head.

"What is it, hunny?" I asked softly, and she bit the inside of her cheek, a look of fear behind her eyes.

"I-I don't want a mother.. I didn't like it when I had one, and she didn't like m-me, " her voice began to crack, and my eyes softened, instinctively pulling her in for a hug, and I was relieved when she accepted it. "I-.. like you, L-Lizzie, I don't want you to b-be a mother, I don't want to go back-"

"Shhhh, it's okay. Nothing's changing, okay? It's still me, hunny. It's just me.."

I rocked us back and forth, soothing the girl who trembled in my arms.

I didn't take offense to her statement, knowing that she was only speaking from her own experiences. It was clear that her understanding of a mother was warped by her own childhood, associating the word with someone who brought her fear rather than comfort.

"I'm not her, Margo.. I promise. I'm not sure what she was like hunny, but I can tell she really hurt you and I'm so sorry," I started to tear up, my emotions taking over my words but I didn't stop them because it came from the heart.. "But I promise, I'm here for you, Margo. I care about you, and that will never change. I've got you."

She held onto me tighter, and i reciprocated gently, still aware of her injuries.

"I know you're not her," I hear her whisper so quietly, I barely caught it, but her words melted my heart instantly, forcing a few more silent tears from my eyes.

"Hey," she pulled away slowly, looking at me with glossy eyes of her own, that innocent look returning to her expression. "Why are you crying?" She sniffled, and I let out a small giggle, earning a small smile from her lips.

I used my thumb to wipe the tears under her eyes before wiping at my own. "Oh, sweetheart. I'm okay, I'm just happy is all.."

She smiled at me warmly, beginning to feel a bit more comfortable around me, and I tilted my head playfully.

"Me too.."

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