I'll Wait

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-the next morning-


'Margo Avery found after 6 years as a hostage in a kidnapping. Police say the victim was found in critical condition and was taken by EMS to St Mary's Hospital where she is currently being treated.'


Liz flicked on the lights to her office room, carrying her bag and setting it on her desk before taking a seat behind her computer with a sigh.

She was exhausted, barely sleeping last night as she thought about her new patient. Her conversation last night with the director was frustrating, and she felt as if nobody else seemed to have the compassion in their hearts to try to understand the girl's situation.

She didn't understand how it was so easy for every one to brush her off as crazy, or to openly talk about her on the news as if she wasn't a child, deserving of her own privacy and rights. Olsen was unable to standby and just watch Margo's life spiral knowing it was completely out of her control, no, she was going to put her foot down.

Never again, would she let the world screw her over.

After things were settled in the office, Olsen was quick to make her rounds, making sure to be thorough with all of her consults, but also kept things moving so she could make it back to Margo.

The hall of the ER was oddly silent, no sounds of distress coming from any of the rooms, and Liz didn't know whether to feel relieved or uncomfortable. When she reached room 310, she peeked through the glass door to see the girl lying down flat, and for a moment, her hopes rose at the possibility that the girl may have fallen asleep.

Liz knocked on the glass door lightly, catching the girl's attention as she entered the room, but when Olsen finally locked eyes with Margo, her heart sank at the sight of her tear stained face, her eyes swollen and puffy.

"Hey, sweetheart, what's-" Olsen's eyes fell to the girl's wrists, finding them restrained to the bed once again, dried blood peaking out from around the straps. Her gaze moved upward, finding long scratch marks going up her arms, explaining the staff's use of the restraints, but regardless, it frustrated Liz.

Why wouldn't they consult with me first?

She trembled into the hospital cot, like a puppy pulled from the ice in the middle of winter, her terrified eyes frantically glancing between Liz's soft ones that now hovered over her.

"It's okay, sweetie.." she breathed out gently, reaching her hands out to the girls arms, and carefully grazing her finger tips over the scratches as she scanned them, and she jumped at the touch. Liz pulled her hands back, cautious of the young girl's high anxiety, and slowly gestured to her bound wrists. "Here, let's get you out of these.."

Liz unclipped the restraints from the sides of the bed, providing the girl some relief as she was able to move her arms, but as soon as she was freed, she quickly sat herself up in the bed, scooting as far back as possible with a flicker of pain on her face. Olsen reached forward, but Margo quickly pulled her arms up over herself, afraid of the contact, and Lizzie's heart broke at the girl's fear of being hit. She slowly lifted her hands in surrender.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, hunny," she whispered, slowly reaching out her hand. "Is it okay if I see?"

Margo looked between her eyes, debating if she was going to put her trust in the woman, but she soon found sincerity behind her gaze, and took a deep breath before hesitantly pulling her arms from her head. Olsen's fingers carefully slipped under the cuffs of the restraints, and the girl flinched in a wince as she loosened them, before pulling them over her hands.

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