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Margo's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright room, blinking several times until my vision cleared to reveal the hospital room I had been staying in, and I quickly sat up in the bed, but instantly regretted it at the sharp pain in my hips. I winced from the movement, carefully adjusting myself to a somewhat comfortable position, when my eyes fell on someone to my left, but instead of jumping at the sight, I felt my shoulders relax, recognizing the person as someone safe.

She stayed..

Dr Olsen laid curled up in the arm chair of the room, her head rested against her arms that were folded on the arm rest. There was something comforting about finding the woman asleep in the room with me, almost declaring the atmosphere safe enough to rest without worry. Although my anxiety was too stubborn to take any hints, I still managed to relax myself back into the bed, resting my head on its side so that I could still see the woman.

I couldn't shake the feeling that the man who took me was going to come back, like he was going to come find me as soon as I got comfortable with anyone, and I would be met with the looming punishments hung over my head for talking.

No. I can't talk about him. I can't snitch.

But everything about Dr Olsen told me that she was safe, that she could follow through with her promises that he wouldn't return, just like she promised to stay here with me. I wanted to believe her words, but I had been given every reason not to trust others in the past, and I no longer had the strength to handle anymore disappointment.

I shifted in place, now feeling the urge to use the restroom, but as I moved myself to sit upward, the pain in my hips hit its peak and I was unable to stop the gasp from leaving my lips. I slapped a hand to my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut at the volume of my winces as I listened to Dr Olsen stir to my left.

Damn it.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked in a tired voice and I slowly peeked my eyes open, wrapping my hands around myself. Her eyes were soft and still full sleep, with faint red marks lining her cheek that revealed her apparent, uncomfortable sleeping position. I nodded my head in a lie, feeling the blush rise into my cheeks. I was never supposed to complain about my pain or discomfort because if I did, it would result in a punishment. The consequences of speaking up was something that I learned the hard way pretty early on, and I wasn't going to repeat history.

She tilted her head to the side, a small smile curling to her lips in disbelief, but I only bit my lip and sunk into the bed, crushing my teeth in further at the painful movement.

"It's okay if you're not.. That's what I'm here for," she pushed slightly, hoping for a more honest answer, but I still shook my head, refusing to give in. "I'm fine, I just.. Need to use the restroom."

"Okay," she nodded. "I can help you to the restroom." Dr Olsen stood from her seat, walking around to the other side of the bed, and I naturally drew back.

"It's alright, sweetheart.." She held out her arms, palms upward for me to grab onto, and I glanced into her eyes, causing her to give a soft nod before I hesitantly gave her my hands. She helped guide my feet out of the bed, swinging them to the edge, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the motion before slowly adding weight to my feet. I crushed my bottom lip between my teeth, trying my hardest not to verbalize my pain as I leaned forward and she pulled me closer to her body, keeping my upright.

"That's it, easy.."

I slowly pulled my head back, meeting her eyes in front of me that were filled with a brightness that provided reassurance, and she gently tilted her head in the direction of the bathroom. I nodded, leaning myself into her as we slowly walked to the bathroom, but my legs were wobbly underneath me, feeling as though they might give out at any moment.

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