Nature Heals

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Lizzie's POV

I woke up early to the quiet sounds of ruffling paper and faint scribbling. We decided to sleep in Margo's room last night, showing appreciation to the hardwork we had put into it. Normally, this would be the point in a mother-daughter relationship where we would sleep in our own rooms, but I could tell she wasn't quite comfortable being alone, even if she was too afraid to tell me.

I sat myself up in the bed quietly, hoping not to disturb whatever she was working on, and I looked up to find her sitting at her desk, coloring the pages of a coloring book that Scar had left her with last night.

I forgot how relaxing it was to color, I hadn't even thought of the idea, but I was so thankful for the gift, because she really seemed to be enjoying it.

After a few minutes, she must have felt a presence watching her because she stopped and slowly turned around, jumping when she saw me looking at her. She quickly closed the book.

"I'm sorry! I was just-"

"No no, don't be sorry! You have nothing to be sorry for! I'm glad you seem to be enjoying that book," I quickly cut her off, and she gave me a shy smile, dropping her eyes to her feet. "Can I see?"

"Uhh.. Yeah, sure," she nervously handed me the small book, and I opened it, shocked at what I found on the pages. "I umm, sort of got bored with just coloring some of them, so I kinda-"

"Oh my god, this is amazing! I didn't know you could draw," I gushed, and her eyes widened, clearly not expecting that sort of reaction from me.

"Oh.. Thanks, but it's not much, really. I guess it's just fun to doodle."

I shook my head to myself, feeling so lucky to learn such a thing about her. "Well we'll have to get you some sketch books and better art supplies. I'd love to see more of your drawings. Sorry all that I have to offer is crayons right now," I laughed and she shook her head with a smile, blushing.

I let her return to sketching and coloring for a while, cooking breakfast for us in the mean time, but the weather was supposed to be really nice today, so after we finished eating, we got ready for the day. I threw on my sunhat and glasses, hoping to get into some gardening today, and Margo walked out with some of the new clothes I got her.

"I've never really worn shorts before, at least not ones like these. They're comfortable," she smiled, and my heart swelled at the way she showed so much appreciation for a pair of running shorts. Of course, I got her the good kind, but it was interesting to see a teenager her age so thankful for the little things. It was obvious that she was never treated to new things, but I was happy to share these moments with her.

I couldn't help but notice her poor legs though, with lingering blue and yellow bruises that were still healing. It was a difficult reminder of all that she's been through, all of the suffering she had to endure, but regardless, here she was: beaming about the sunny day and her gym shorts. It was the type of innocent joy that she deserved to feel, and her attitude was enough to shift my own, stopping my pity party.

"Oh! Does this mean I can climb a tree now?!" she jumped with excitement, running over to the large maple tree in the middle of the backyard.

I shook my head with a small chuckle, setting up my garden equipment. "Yes, alright, but be careful, young lady! Let's not cut your day short with any broken bones.. God knows you've had enough of that," I mumbled the last part to myself, and she was quick to start climbing up the branches.

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