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"Arms up!"

I raised my arms above my head, allowing Dr Olsen to lift the gown over my head, and I wrapped my arms around myself. But I was thankful when she paid no attention to it, making me a pinch less uncomfortable.

"Here you go, sweetie," she helped me into her black hoodie, pulling it down over my shivering torso before kneeling on the ground and guiding my feet into the sweatpants. "Do you think you can stand?"

I pressed my hands into the chair, shifting my weight to my feet, but nearly fell forward in the process, causing me to crash into her body in front of me. "Easy, I've got you.." Her arms wrapped around my back, pulling me up to my feet and let me lean on her has she reached down to pull up my pants before having me sit back on the wheelchair.

"Feel a little bit better to be in some normal clothes?" she let out a content sigh, and I nodded, flashing a small smile. She wheeled me out of the room and into the halls that I hadn't seen before. I let my eyes roam at the busy nurses and people rushing by, and I once again felt some relief to not have much attention casted over me. I wasn't used to seeing so many people in one place. It was overwhelming, the loud noises and distant chatter, and I found my arms beginning to creep across my chest, my shoulders tensing into that same protective position.

As if she read my thoughts, Dr Olsen leaned down to my ear, and whispered, "almost there.."

When we got outside the doors of the hospital, we were met with a small, black car, and I felt my heart drop at the sight.

Don't tell me..

"Thanks for pulling the car around, Toby!"

A familiar man stepped out of the vehicle, putting me on edge as he handed the keys off to Dr Olsen behind me with a smile, but I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of the car in front of us, that caused flashes of memories to flip through my head.

"No! No, please! I'll be quiet, I won't try to run! Just not in the trunk-!"

The trunk door slammed shut, leaving me in that familiar, eerie darkness. The space was tight, leaving the air hot and stuffy, giving the illusion I was suffocating for the entire trip.

I felt every bump in the road, knocking my head against the muddy, carpet floors. For hours, I would panic with uncertainty, left locked in the trunk as he made several stops along the way, making me question whether I'd ever be let out.


I blinked my eyes at the sound of my name, looking up to find the passenger side door open behind Dr Olsen who squatted in front of me, giving a look of worry. "You okay, hunny?"

I nodded my head, my eyes glued to the back end of the vehicle and she followed my gaze in confusion, causing me to finally look away.

She's not like the others, Margo..

She held her hands out for mine, helping me up from the chair, and slowly guided me to the front seat. I pulled my hands back over myself when I got in the seat, awkwardly looking between the dash and Dr Olsen who still stood outside the open door with a confused expression, waiting a moment before leaning inside.

"Here," she whispered, pulling the seat belt from the side and leaning forward, clicking it in place across my lap. I looked at her, my eyes widened unintentionally and she paused as her hand rested on the door. "I'm just gonna close this door here, but I'll be right with you on the other side.." she smiled, and I slowly nodded.

I know that it probably seemed stupid to have such a simple action explained to me, but I was thankful that she told me. It was as if she was able to read my mind, acknowledging my worries without having to be told what bothered me. It was very considerate, something I wasn't used to but would like to be.

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