Safety with Insomnia

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Lizzie's POV


I have no idea what to do. I haven't heard much about Margo's relationship with her parents, but I can only imagine that it was a nightmare, considering they sold her.

But maybe it doesn't mean anything that they're back. Maybe they want nothing to do with her anymore. It was horrible to think that anyone could have treated such a sweet girl so terribly, especially coming from her own parents, but in the end, their lack of interest in her now would be for the best.

My thumbs hovered over the keyboard of my phone, a million questions reeling in my head, but I couldn't seem to pull my thoughts together.

I glanced down at the young girl in my lap, her breaths coming out slow and even, and I carefully sat forward, finding her eyes closed.

She was finally able to sleep..

A brief sense of relief fell over me before I blinked back to reality, remembering the situation we were in. I carefully lifted her head from my lap, standing up from the couch, going to the kitchen before pausing in hesitation.

She'll be okay, I'll just be a minute.

I pulled out my phone and immediately called Scarlett.

"Hey, Liz-"

"What do you mean her parents are back?!" I whisper-yelled, trying to hush my nerves but they were through the roof.

"Easy, Liz.. I was just letting you know as a precaution so you can look out for it, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Scar, her parents are back! The ones who sold her into trafficking! How are you not freaking out right now?"

"Because it was only brought to my attention by the investigation. They don't know where she is, they don't even know if she's alive. I just wanted to make you aware of things is all."

I let out a low sigh, forcing myself to calm down a little. It's not like her parents are looking for her, but the fact that they are still around, lurking around under our noses bothered me.

"I don't know.. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. How am I supposed to protect and support her when there's the possibility that she could be taken away all over again!? I don't know what to do-"

"Alright, take another deep breath.. You're already doing great, Lizzie, just keep doing what you've been doing and everything will be just fine. Let her know what it's like to just be a kid. Get her used to her new normal. You know what to do, hunny.."

I sank into the kitchen chair, resting my head in my hand and pushing the hair from my face. "You're right. I mean, she's already been making progress so far. Just... Just keep me updated if anything changes with her parents. We're going to lay low and stay in the house for a little while anyway, I was thinking of doing some shopping for clothes with her, but we might stick to online shopping for now."

"See? You've got this, Liz! And you know that Toby, me, and everyone else are here for you guys. I believe in you!"

"Thank you, Scar.. I-"

I was quickly interrupted by a loud scream coming from the living room, and I jumped from my seat, the kitchen chair flipping onto the floor.

Damn it.

"Liz? Is everything ok-?"

"I have to go, Scar. I'll talk to you later." I quickly hung up, barely catching her 'bye' before dropping my phone onto the table and sprinting back to the living room.

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