A Drop of Joy

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Lizzie's POV

She's happy.

Words you would never expect from a young girl who had been living hell just a few days ago. But I could sense the peace that she felt as she rested her head over my lap, allowing me to gently rest my hand over her side, careful not to put too much pressure on the bruises.

She trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't hurt her..

A comfortable silence fell over us while we continued to watch the movie, and I bit back my smile as Margo gently nodded her head along to the music. It was adorable, the way she just seemed so content in the moment, and I felt tears brim in my eyes.

She's grown a lot over the last couple days, and it's been such a joy to watch her. Margo had earned my heart already, and every minute I spent with her, the more it solidified that feeling, that desire to give her the world while hoping I might have the honor to see how far she goes.

Margo's POV

I laid on my good side across the couch, comfortably resting my head in her lap that kept me warm, while her fingers gently ran through my hair, putting me in a trance as the movie came to an end.

My eyes felt heavy, asking for permission to give into her soft touch, and for a moment, I did just that. Her presence was so soothing, putting my chaotic mind to sleep with every stroke of her hand and giving my inner child what they needed: Love..

I shifted in place, wincing slightly as I rolled onto my back and her hands were quick to help me adjust, allowing me to open my eyes to soft ones looking down at me. A small smile lingered on her lips, her fingers rolling a stray hair behind my ears, and I just couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Normally, this would be a position that I'd avoid at all costs, laying in someone's lap and willingly making eye contact, but this was different. It almost felt... natural.

"Are you real?" I whispered quietly, letting my thoughts slip out into words but I did nothing to stop myself from saying it, feeling as if I was in a dream. She tilted her head, her smile widening while her fingers continued their trails in my hair, melting me with her touch.

"I'm real, my love.."

"It feels too good to be true." She let out a breathy laugh, tapping the tip of my nose with her finger and forcing a small grin to my lips.

"Well, it is true, hunny.. You've always deserved to be loved like this, always.. And now that you're here with me, I'll never let you go a day without feeling that exact love. I promise."

I deserved to be loved? That was a strange statement to make in my eyes, as I haven't really done anything in my life other than cause others pain. Going from 14.. or maybe 15 years of being told I was the scum of the earth, how was I supposed to believe things were any different now.

"You okay, baby?" Her soft voice brought me back again, and I shook my head from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine sorry.."

I pushed myself to sit up, the abdominal muscles tensing to try to lift myself, but it was no use, as the pain had only worsened and the stiffness prevented me from trying to push past it.

"No no, it's okay. Just rest, sweetie." She gently pressed my shoulders back into the couch, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the pressure in my side. "Is it still pretty painful?"

I shook my head without opening my eyes, feeling her questioning glare without looking.

"Margo.." she prompted gently, and I hesitantly peeked open my eyes. She leaned herself over me more, a small, knowing grin on her face. "You don't have to hide from me, sweetheart," she whispered.

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