Your New Existence

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As much as I feared my new existence as an Atlantean...I do have to admit...I was very much intrigued and terrified all at the same time. My world was changing, along with me in it.

The prospect that my body was in the midst of its own metamorphosis had scared the hell out of me, but seeing the technology from Atlantis, I was amazed by the wonders of the 'other' world that I mother had come from.

Now, Queen Rina wanted me to trust her and hop inside one of these ships and sail to an island to further my transformation. Honestly, I cannot even figure out how these water-logged ships are even still afloat! The biggest ship looked like a massive bloated tuna and this smaller ship looked like a starved dolphin with a shrimp's curved tail.

There were no visible propulsion engines, no need for polluting carbon-based fuels, fancy computers, or complicated steering devices. They looked simple in design, and yet they were built with a technology that has no known word in the human tongue.

'There has to be a different way to avoid this situation! And still bring the ships along with us.' I pondered for just a brief moment. I scanned the marina, looking at the plenty of 'normal' looking floating human-built ships.

"If we take these ships, Queen Rina, we will most certainly be detected by Atlantis!" Oceamera worried, thinking about the man that she had left in charge "Caol would have placed security measures to detect Atlantean technology near Atlantis."

"Even here in the third dimension!?" Rina asked.

"Do not underestimate him!"

Oceamera's warning had chilled both Jen and I as we had begun to form a picture of the madman that we would have to go up against, just to save Atlantis and our families here on the surface.

"You wanted to accelerate the experiment, this will do it, your highness!" Rina comments, motioning to the Atlantean ships. "In the water, and wrapped by the technology of Atlantis; it might awaken them."

"It is far too risky!" Oceamera defends us. "Can they even breathe underwater? Or mentally control the technology? We'd be sending them possibly into a fire fight!"

'I can.' I admitted to myself, realizing just how close I was truly to becoming an Atlantean. I glanced at Jen as she wasn't all that certain that she could trust her own heritage to give her the gift of breathing water.

I walked over to one of the human-made ships, and then glanced at a rolled coil of rope that was left upon the deck. I knelt down, picking up the rope and noticing that it was moored to the piling. I then came up with an idea.

"Why don't we just tug your death traps behind a normal boat?" I asked Oceamera and Rina, glancing back at them, showing the rope in my hand "That way, Atlantis will not detect them, and you both can avoid getting wet and alerting Atlantis to our whereabouts."

"Genius!" Oceamera smiled, walking over and patting me on the head "You continue to make yourself appealing to my court!"

"May I remind you that he 'still' is a prince of Oceanid, your highness!" Rina grinned, though with a threatening tone. I still had some trouble accepting that role as I still saw myself as a human.

"I'm going to have a difficult time calling you, your highness." Jen commented to me.

"Please don't!" I blushed, as we both ended up laughing over our changing lives.

I then took charge as the two royals seemed to be in a battle over claiming me when I wasn't certain that I even wanted that power and position. Being royalty meant having no freedom to do as you please.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 5 - Atlantis Rising!Where stories live. Discover now