The Sunken Kingdom Of Oceanid

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I must admit; the Oceanid Kingdom was very beautiful to behold. It is a shame that no duine will ever see it. For if they did, humanity would probably be moved to tears for the crimes that they have besieged upon the ocean with their careless pollution and garbage.

I had always thought of the ocean as a cold, dreary, dark, lifeless place...oh how I was so wrong! The buildings were nothing like the buildings upon the surface. Here, they were alive, glowing, shimmering...designed with the sea in mind.

Many looked like jellyfish, some looked like plants, but the main palace looked like pillared coral, bright as the morning sun! Inside, the structure was organic, living as the walls were bright white with alternating hues of blue and purple. The décor was that of gold, silver, mountain copper, shells, and gems. It was a place of wealth, but also a place of art and knowledge.

As much as I would have liked to admire the architecture, I could not help but feel that I was not welcome here. The Oceanid's seemed to divide into three castes':

Warriors with their bulky armor and fish-like helms as they were armed with some sort of hydro-based rifle. The only part of their body that was fully exposed was their long fish-like tails, but if you were in combat with one of them, the tail was the part that you wanted to avoid as the fins were specially designed to inflict painful wounds with a neurotoxin similar to that of the sunfish.

Then there were the Civilians who wore a simple chest plate of crude metal and sharp bracers for self-defense against the monsters of the deep. Most, however, went completely nude, having shed their garments thousands of years ago.

The Royalty were the ones who were easy to identify as they wore golden armor encrusted with crystals, shells, silver, and gems. They also were the only ones who were allowed to carry the royal weapons of Atlantis: tridents and lances with immense power and magic!

[Identify yourself!] one of the warriors barked, her voice like sandpaper inside my mind.

With seven guns being pointed right at me. I slowly took my webbed hands off of the controls as I raised them up above me, showing that I was surrendering. This wasn't the reception that I was expecting upon coming to Atlantis.

[I... I am Meara.] I answered, scared out of my mind.

Six lovely women then swim into the docking bay as they were decorated in golden armor encrusted with gems and runes. They seemed like they were in a hurry to get here, the soldiers lowering their guns.

[Stand down!] one of the woman orders as she then glances over at me with piercing eyes. The six lovely women then swam aggressively over to me, their body language was threatening, warning me that they were not here on friendly terms.

They all were wearing golden armor that covered their chests, their lower arms, and bordering around their delicate fins. Like the soldiers, their tails were free to inflict as much harm as needed. Their faces and heads were freed of any armor; however, metal spikes protected their delicate gills which pulsated wildly as they were scared of me.

[Out!] one of the women shouts at me, her voice echoing off the walls in the watery underworld. I was happy enough to comply as I nodded and looked at the harness, looking for a means to undo what the ship had done to keep me. [Now! Out!]

[But I do not know how!] I replied as she looked over at the other women and royal guards as I wonder if they understand me.

The six women look at one another as they decide to take a different approach as they studied me for a moment. Besides, the only one that could operate this craft was the Queen herself, or a member of the royal family.

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