High Queen Oceamera

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I was sitting in the silent dining hall as I was happily brushing out my damp hair. I had a delightful night in the bathtub, finally freed to stretch my sore fins once more. This 'human' form is just far too constricting and bulky!

I watched Kiera and Jen sleepily walk in as we all sat around the dining table, having a quick breakfast that the cooks had graciously laid out for the morning.

So far, things were going according to plan! Both Jen and Méir have received their second injection. With one more, that should push them both into transforming back into Atlanteans. My own grandchild was showing so much progress last night, that I'm certain that today I will be able to reintroduce him back to the ocean.

"Where is Meir? He is usually up by now!" Kiera asked as I glanced around, noticing that he wasn't here yet.

"Probably still sleeping." I remarked, giggling "I will go check up on him and let him know that it is breakfast time."

I walked back to my bedroom, amazed that my song was 'that' powerful on my own kin! When I entered the bedroom, my bed was left unattended and unmade. And checking the restroom, it too was empty. I walked over to his own bedroom to see if he was there, and found that no one had slept there.

I hurried through the resort, searching the various rooms, gym, even the pool as I then returned back to the dining hall, growing worried.

"Has he stopped by?" I asked Kiera and Jen who both shook their heads.

"Is he not asleep?" Jen asked.

"I checked everywhere, but I could not find him!" He wasn't anywhere inside Et Domus Mare!

Both Kiera and Jen joined the search, Jen walking the beach and Kiera checking the grounds. However, when Jen reported that the beach was empty, and Kiera returned, she finally had answers.

"My Lady! Your car is gone!" Kiera commented, panting.

"Gone!?" Jen, Kiera, and I rushed to find my vehicle was taken without permission.

"Maybe he went for something in town!?" Jen offered her own opinion, somewhat disappointed that he did not take her.

"He knows the rules!" Kiera was sieving mad "No one leaves Et Domus Mare! And the fact that he stole Lady Gina's car is incomprehensible!"

"I am certain that he has his reasons!" I calmed down Kiera "We need to bring him back as soon as possible! What is that child even thinking!?"

With the second injection now in his bloodstream, and how fast he was already changing with the first injection; I feared that someone might learn the truth if he should change on land! And with Caol's spies everywhere, I feared the worse!

Both Jen and Méir were in their delicate stages of transfiguration, and without guidance and a watchful eye, only the Goddess knew what could happen to them if they started changing and hearing the call of Atlantis.

Back in the dining hall, Jen, Keira and I all sat around the dining table, stunned.

"He just wouldn't leave his stuff behind! And he can't leave the island without his passport!" Kiera says, realizing that his behavior does not make any sense to her "I mean, he risked his life back on Pascua Island, just to save his stuff and my computers!"

"I agree." Jen nodded as she tried to think of a reason "He seemed agitated last night; wanting to get out and explore the island."

I, of the three, had felt the most conflicted about what was happening.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 5 - Atlantis Rising!Where stories live. Discover now