The Egg Of Metamorphosis

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[High Queen Oceamera! Princess Meara Fisher.] Kiera says as she smiles, swimming quickly over to greet them [It is so great to see you both again! I have missed our adventures.]

[It is an honor to get to meet you too Kiera.] Oceamera comments, making friendly conversation [I am so glad that the Amphere have elected you as their new Queen! If you ever need my assistance or guidance, I am only three hours away.]

[The Oceanid Kingdom always stands with their Amphere allies.] I comment, smiling.

[Thank you for all your effect in saving my Kingdom.] Kiera comments as we settle into our conversation. Her eyes just stared at me for a moment, making me uncomfortable as she finally comments [I see that your metamorphosis is speeding up! You excited to swim with a tail soon?]

[It will be convenient.] removing my swimming fins [I am, however, excited to learn magic!]

I saw Krystal arrive as I was somewhat puzzled. I quietly dismissed myself and swam over to her as she was all alone.

[It is nice to see you again, Krystal!] She looked at me, puzzled for a moment as my features confused her.

[Meara!?] she gasped, covering her stunned gapping mouth [You've changed!] She leapt towards me, wrapping her arms around me, giving me a tight hug. I was grateful that my guard wasn't here, they probably be tackling her by now. [I like it! Looks exotic!] she giggled, yet standoffish.

[Why, thank you! Seems people want me as a mermaid and not duine. And even I find myself wishing that my transformation would just hurry it up!] Krystal smiles as she pulls me aside to talk privately.

[I like to talk to you about something.] she says as I nod, letting her know that she has my undying attention. [Atlantis has run genetic testing and it seems that I have been transformed into Pacifica Atlantean.]

[Pacifica?] I commented as I looked at the statuette kingdoms and noticed that the Pacifica Kingdom had been dead since the first deluge. [Congratulations!] I commented as she nodded as she looked down at the ground. [What's wrong, Krystal?]

[Both High Queen Oceamera and Queen Kiera have tossed my name into the mix to become the Queen of a dead civilization, thinking that my arrival is a sign that the Pacifica citizens might be coming back to Atlantis.] Krystal quietly says as I looked at her scared eyes. [You know what is weird...I think I knew all this time that I wasn't a Poseidan; but something with a tail. When I saw Queen Rina's tail, I felt rather 'homesick'.]

[Do you want this position as Queen of Pacifica?] I asked her as she nodded her head as she always figured her life would be a path of isolation. I heard a chorus of male voices speak up as the Poseida priests presented themselves to us.

One by one, we were all taken to separate suites, as every member of the Council of Kings had their own private suite to call home.

I followed the priest through the residential wing, as he then showed me to my room.

[You will wait here until you are called by the High Queen.] he informed me [When you are summoned, you will swim to your spot and hold your comments or actions until the whole council is summoned.]

[What is your name?] I asked as he smiles down at me with his jet-black hair tied back and oiled down. His face is scared and old.

[Sagart, your highness.]

I glance at his bronze Poseidan lance, finding it curious that a Priest would carry such a deadly weapon.

[You like my weapon, your highness? Odd for an Oceanid to take an interest in weaponry!] he remarked as I glanced away, flustered [I meant no disrespect, Princess.] He put his hydrodynamic lance into the palm of his hand as he then handed it over to me.

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