Supplemental Chapter - Changing Scales

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1999 – Oceanid Kingdom

Long have I ruled from my palace of light.

The walls shimmering hues of creamy blues and purples and white.

I steady myself as I swished my muscular tail forwards and backwards...

It is hard to believe that at one time I had legs like the Atlanteans of Posidia and Amphere. It seems almost unfathomable! But I guess that is what happens went you are trapped in the body of a fish for twelve thousand years: you tend to forget things.

I glanced off to my left and looked at my eldest daughter, Scales. She slowly and gently kicks her tail forward and back as she looked stunning in her shining armor!

To my right, my beloved that I met on a sunny afternoon day, in the eternal city of Poseida as I was representing my homeland to the High King of Alta. Rina was a creature of pure beauty, enough to rival Tethys!

We have all gathered here to greet the appointed ruler of all Atlantis. Although my allegiance lies with the late Atlantean Queen, High Queen Oceamera.

Caol was now my king, although he is akin to that of a sea serpent!

His actions in the Hesperides Kingdom have not gone unnoticed as the golden doors open and in swims Caol, dressed is silver fishes mail, his under-armor glimmering purple in the light. He wears a dark purple cloak and a golden crown that he had fashioned for the throne. King of Atlantis...more like King of Asgardia.

He has taken the Empire so far left that I fear that it may never awaken from this age of war and social attacks on his own people. He calls the Duine the enemy, but at the same time, he demeans half of his empire for his own greedy ambitions; blaming us for excluding the duine from our rule.

He swims over to the throne with his silver trident held against his back as he locked his eyes upon me as I glanced at the two fully armed Poseidan guards at his side.

[Never once has one come so heavily armed into this palace!] I say as I greet the king with a neutral stance. I floated there with my father's modified trident by my side. [I have hoped that our people had evolved beyond that ancient illusion that war with the Surface is inevitable!]

Caol looks at me with sharp piercing eyes that mock my authority as king.

[War is always inevitable with the surface dwellers, Okeanos!] he said with great disrespect.

[It is the position of the Oceanids that when the time comes to make ourselves known to the Duine, it shall be to educate them, condition them, and help them evolve back into Atlantean. Not to destroy them!] I growled as Caol just stares at me.

[I admire your lofty aspirations, King Okeanos.] he begins with a sly smirk that I would like to wipe off his face [Nonetheless, your aspirations are outdated, as is your kingdom! A hive of cowards!]

[Watch your tongue, Steward!] I snapped back as I readied my armor as it vibrated with my anger and determination.

[Please!] Caol says smug, [I implore you to listen to reason. Your kingdom has become stagnated, its waters still as the grave. Your people have forsaken the warmth of the sun, and the guidance of the stars and moon. You've embraced your false Goddess and have been cursed into the monsters that you are today! Your very existence reeks of decay!]

He swims forward, his eyes never leaving me as his vile mouth spewed the greatest toxin in his words...

[It has come to my attention that you have conspired with the filth of the Surface by sending your daughter there! When I find her, I will cull her like I have culled many seals!]

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