Lake Laogai

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Zarra was on her walk around Ba Sing Se carrying her basket with fruits and different leaves to make tea that Iroh's gonna like, it has been a week since Arriving in the strongest wall in the earth kingdom.

and it's been days since Jet was taken away...sure she hates how he acted but she could never hate him, and she cares for him for what happened.

she had that Odd feeling that danger was coming her way and her friends, if she ever found them in Ba Sing Se.

she looks at the ground and picks up the paper, she turns it over and has a confused look.

it's a missing poster of Appa, and if she had to guess, her friends were in Ba Sing Se...but she couldn't leave Zuko and Iroh, if they knew how long she'd taken her, they'd get worried and suspicious, mostly Zuko.

when she hears a small thud, she turns to the alleyway and walks over to investigate.

and when she's at the mouth of the Ally, she smiles as she sees her black dragon and fire Ferret hidden in the shadows.

"Yelena, seikatsu." she happily says as the male fire ferret runs to her and jumps on her shoulder as she giggles.

her happy face turns serious as she looks at her dragon companion. "have you found Appa?" the Raven/white girl said as the dragon nodded, she used her claw to draw on the dirt to help her what happened.

as the dragon finishes, Zarra looks at the drawn dirt and starts to observe it.

the first was a Dai Li soldier spying on the roof, a wave line that looks like a lake, A person with swirly eyes and with an emotionless face, and the word "lake Laogai".

that's when she puts the puzzles together and connects the dots as she says.

"so all this time, the reason why people are afraid to tell Aang where his Bison is because Long Fang takes people where no one can see the truth outside the walls that there's a war and Leave the world's only hope of defeating Ozai by locking Appa an underground cell, and not only that if Long Feng and the Dai Li find out about the truth and where Appa is, they'll take them somewhere to Hypnotise them and whenever they hear the phrase 'the earth king invited you to Lake Laogai' they'll become emotionless slaves so they can never know the truth and keep Quiet?"

the dragon nodded as if she hit a nail.

her mind flashed about Jet being taken from those Dai Li soldiers, and her eyes widened.

"oh no..." she started as she felt her heart beat faster with worry and fear. "they had taken Jet and now, whenever he hears the phrase, he'll take orders to Long Fang himself."

Seikatsu and Yelena look at her confused about why she cares for Jet even though he try to kill her when he found out she was a firebender a long time ago.

Zarra knew those looks from her companions and said. "look, I know I can't forgive Jet for what he's done, but I'm just saying that even though he sees me as his enemy, he needs to have a change of heart. ever since i was a kid on the run before my birthday was 3 weeks away, i hid my hair and scar to save his life from that fire when he lost everything because of the fire nation, he's like a brother to me even if I'm an only child, but...i won't be heartless if i save him again."

the dragon nodded understanding her care for Jet.

she start to hide the basket as she walks ahead and gestures to her companions to follow her.

Yelena changes her form as she becomes the Snakodile as she follows the scarred girl and her hand grabs the reins around her neck.

"Good idea my sweet thing, people won't suspect that a girl is walking around with two pets." Zarra smiled as Seikatsu chitters in agreement.

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