Bato of the water tribe

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Aang looked at the whale-tooth sword curiously as he pulled it out of the ground and gripped it.

"Hey, look! a sword made out of a whale's tooth!" he said as Sokka and karou slid down the hill.

Seikatsu lies on the firebender's head as the black dragon, Yelena, stood beside her.

Sokka takes the sword out of the young monk's grip and examines it. "let me see that."

karou looks at the tooth and gets a flashback from seeing that sword.


the men from the water tribe back up food, weapons, and water and start to head for the ships and ready to take on the war and finish off the firebenders.

13-year-old karou is standing next to Sokka and give him a look of sympathy, she wore her water tribe clothing to keep her warm, and when she finally found a place to call home and away from the Firelord, her bandaged eye is no longer on her face but still had her permanent streak scar on her.

she places her hand on Sokka's shoulder and gives him a reassuring smile.

--flashback end--

"This is a water tribe weapon. see if you can find anything else." the young warrior said to Aang and karou.

the two boys began to rummaging through the bushes looking for more weapons while karou start to climb up the tree to see any fire smoke from above.

"Did someone lose something?" katara asked the boys but was surprised that her best friend would be good at climbing trees without trouble.

"no, we found something," Aang replied as he continue to search the bushes.

sokka kneels down and removes the fallen leaves to find half of the arrow on the ground, he picks it up and examined it and the scratch from the trees, "it's burned. there was a battle. water tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders."

as he said just that, karou landed perfectly beside him, making him jump in surprise with a yelp as she add. "the firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill." she points down to the direction she feel like she already predicted this.

sokka then runs ahead while karou, katara, and Aang follow after him with two animals following their owner.

as Sokka stopped in his tracks, he looks into the water.

"so then what happened?" Aang asked waiting for Sokka to continue his theory.

"I don't know. the trail ends here."

karou gives Sokka a sympathetic look, he and katara want to find their father and reunite with him, she met chief hakoda, he's the leader of the southern water tribe and he's Kanna's son, he had been protecting his tribe ever since his late wife, kya died from a one fire nation soldier that murder her, but when karou came around when she exiles herself from the fire nation and traveled to the south pole, he may see her as a fire bender but he knows that she didn't hurt anyone, he can tell that playing with katara and Sokka brings joy because of her, she makes clever jokes, and she's different than any firebenders with raven/white hair that he had never seen before, and seeing her scar makes him feel like he can help her as he can, he told her at a young age to keep her fire bending a secret and let her go alone for practice as he makes an excuse so that two of his children can't follow her, karou want to see him again.....but her top priority is protect to her friends that are like family to her and get Aang to the north pole so that he can learn and master waterbending.

katara cuts off her thoughts as she points and shouts. "wait! look!"

they all look to the side to see a boat, but it's a water tribe.

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