the cave of two lovers

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karou is sitting at the top rock in a lotus position while meditating while learning new fire-bending techniques and letting her flames grew.

the others are in the water when Aang is about to learn waterbending from katara.

seikatsu and Yelena are relaxing on the land while Appa and momo are in the water.

"you guys are gonna be done soon, right? we've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to omashu today." sokka said to his two friends and younger sister while sitting on a giant leaf with momo relaxing on his bare torso.

and another thing why they stay for training, is they are still on their own way to Omashu to meet up with king bumi so he can teach Aang earth bending, karou on the other hand have an earthbending friend that can help Aang, but others are too stubborn to listen to her.

"what, like you're ready to go now, naked guy?" katara sassed at her older brother.

"I could be ready in two minutes." he shot back at her while moving his hair that covered his eyes. "seriously. whenever."

karou would laugh but she had to concentrate on her inner fire, ever since her battle with Azula, she had to be stronger in order to surpass her lightning bending, that oblivious princess and her father didn't know that karou is the black phoenix, sure her fire is black and red but it's good that she had to keep it that way, for all she knows, zuko and iroh are now fugitives like her, but they had to learn how to be on their own, she wanted to help but it's her quest to help the avatar when he didn't need his partner anymore once he learns all four elements and face the fire lord himself and stop this war...while she will face azula in her last battle soon.

"So, you were showing me the octopus form," Aang asked katara.

"right. let me see your stance." katara replied, and when Aang does, his waterbending stance is a little off.

karou blocks out the training while she concentrates on her fire, her tattoo starts to appear and glow as the warmth in her body start to rise as her hair starts to brow from the wind.

ever since her fight at the north pole, her hair grew from jaw length to mid-back length when her power start to grow, which is a sign to her that she was almost close to having the full power of her inner fire.

she broke her concentration when she hears music playing and looks over and see those people.

sokka fell into the water as momo jumped off.

the music stops as the man sees the group. "hey, hey! river people."

karou looked confused as she was down to the ground with the help of her black dragon.

"we're not river people." Katara said as sokka pops out of the water. 

"you're not?" he questioned. "well, then what kind of people are you?"

"just people," Aang said.

"aren't we all brother? hoo." the man said

sokka walk over and started to interrogate them. "who are you?"

"I'm chong. and this is my wife lily." chong said as his wife Lily greeted them. "we're nomads. happy to go wherever the wind takes us." he played his instrument while singing Gibberish.

"you guys are nomads?!" Aang asked with a happy look on his face. "that's great! I'm a nomad."

karou face palmed at the young airbender, he really didn't know the difference between an air nomad and a normal nomad.

"Hey! me, too!" chong said.

"i know, you just said that." Aang said annoyed.

"Oh." chong scratch the back of his head. "nice underwear." he complimented sokka, as the water tribe solder covers himself with momo in embarrassment, while karou covers her mouth trying so hard not to laugh along with her two animal companions beside her.

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