the Avatar returns

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Karou blows her horn to warn the tribe and runs out of her watch tower.

everyone was waiting at the entrance and they see katara and Aang walking over, the tribe was now scared that the navy ship could see the signal.

the kids of the tribe shout in excitement, "Aangs back!" one of the kids said.

Karou looks at Sokka with anger at Aang and gran-gran looks at katara with disappointment.

"i knew it!" Sokka started "you signaled the fire navy with that flare." he accusingly pointed at Aang. "you're leading them straight to us aren't you?"

katara tries to defend Aang "Aang didn't do anything, it was an accident."

Aang nodded in agreement "yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and well... we boobied right into it."

gran-gran then spook "katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship, now we could all be in danger."

Aang defends katara, "don't blame katara, i brought her there, it's my fault."

"a-ha! the traitor confesses! warriors, away from the enemy!" Sokka said.

karou glares at Sokka, he shouldn't have known better that Aang was only 12 and his child-like instinct gets the better of him and walks over to her tent to get her things.

"the foreigner is banished from our village."

katara tries to reason with her older brother "Sokka you're making a mistake."

"no, I'm keeping my promise to dad, I'm protecting you from threats like him!" he said pointing at Aang.

katara then argues back "Aang is not our enemy. don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time--fun."

"fun? we can't fight firebenders with fun!" Sokka scolds 

Aang smiled and said, "you should try it sometime."

"get out of our village now!" sokka tells Aang.

katara looks at gran-gran "grandmother, please, don't let Sokka do this."

"katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden, Sokka is right, i think it best if the Airbender leaves," she said to her granddaughter.

"fine! then I'm banished too." katara said and grabs Aang and walked towards appa, "come on Aang. let's go."

sokka tries to stop his little sister "where do you think you're going?"

"to find a waterbender." katara said without looking back. Aang is taking me to the north pole."

Aang looks at katara "i am? great!" 

"katara, would you really choose him over your tribe, your own family?" sokka said gesturing to the tribe.

there was a long silence and katara didn't know what to say, Aang walks over to her.

"katara, i don't want to come between you and your family." he said to her

he walks over to appa.

"so you're leaving the south pole?" she asked. "this goodbye?"

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me." Aang thanked katara.

"where will you go?" she asked him.

"guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders, wow...i haven't cleaned my room in 100 years, not looking forward to that." Aang said.

"I'm coming with you."

everyone turns around and sees Karou with her packed-up bag as she walks over to the bison.

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