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it was a quiet day somewhere in the forest and the GAang were getting ready.

sokka and momo came back along with Yelena and Karou who just kept flying.

ever since she discovered her fire-like wings since Kyoshi island, she's been practicing her flying agility, if she ever gets to master her black phoenix power, she needs to train till she masters it, she already learned firebending, but she needs to unlock the full potential if she ever reaches it.

Karou then lands beside Yelena.

"great. you're back. what's for dinner?" Aang asked the water tribe boy.

"we"ve got a few options, first-round nuts and some kind of oval-shaped nuts, and some rock-shaped nuts that might just be rocks." Sokka said taking out some nuts and rocks and throwing one away. "dig in."

Seikatsu pops his head out of Yelena's saddle as Karou got fruit out of the basket, and gives mangos to the snakeodile as she eats it and fire flakes for the fire ferret.

Karou always carry fire flakes when she left the fire nation and she carries fruit that she bought from omashu

"Seriously, what else you got?" katara said to her older brother.

Seikatsu sees momo trying to eat the rock but he ran over to him and slaps the rock out of momo's paw with his own and shakes his head no.

the ground starts to shake alerting the lemur and fire ferret, and Yelena looks over in that direction and narrows her eyes.

the snakeodile looks at her owner and Karou looks back giving each other a knowing look.

"What was that?" Sokka said in a panic.

Karou and Yelena got up and walks over to the sound of a knowing earthquake, Seikatsu noticed the owner and his friend leaving, so he runs to Karou, jump on her shoulder, and looks ahead as she walks.

momo is about to hit the 'nut' gently but the sound of another boom and the scared lemur start to jump.

"it's coming from over there." Aang pointed out as he and katara ran in the direction Karou and her two animals were headed.

"Shouldn't we run away from the huge booms, not towards them?" Sokka asked as he follows the Airbender, his younger sister, and his firebending friend.

katara is next to Karou who is looking ahead, Aang and a deadpanned Sokka were hiding too.

they then see the guy practicing his earthbending.

"an earthbender." katara said in awe.

karou smiled at him then gets up and walks up to him with Yelena following suit with Seikatsu on the snakeodile's head.

katara, Aang, and Sokka looks at the fire bender confused and freak out to see their friend walking toward the earthbender.

"hey, haru!" Karou smiled and wave at her earthbending friend.

the guy-haru turns around and smiled at the raven-white-haired girl as she walks over to him and hugs him from his neck and he hugs her back from the waist.

the GAang's jaws dropped in shock that the scared firebender hugged the earthbender.

"it's nice to see you again my friend, it's been so long since we last saw each other." haru said.

the girl smiled up at him and nods in agreement, Yelena walks up to haru and nuzzled his body with her large head.

the earthbender chuckled and pets her, Seikatsu jumps on his shoulder and lick his temple as he chuckled again.

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