the swamp

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In a small village, Iroh and zuko sat on the ground looking, iroh waiting for beggars while zuko crossed his arms in displeasure.

"spear coins for weary travelers?" Iroh asked as a man walked by as he pass the coins to him and walked away.

"This is humiliating. we're royalty. these people should be giving us whatever we want." zuko said out of spite.

"they will, if you ask nicely." iroh advises his nephew.

the woman walks by to the two fire nation fugitives as iroh leans his hands out. "spear change for a hungry old man?"

"aw, here you go." the woman said tosing the coins on the ex-general's hat.

"the coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile." iroh said as zuko facepalmed in embarrassment.

the woman giggles as she walks away, as the man walked over to the two. "how's about some entertainment in exchange for..." he takes out a piece of coin. "a gold piece?"

"we're not performers." zuko said glaring at the man.

"not professional, anyway." iroh said as he got up.

🎶 it's a long, long way to ba sing se, 

but the girls in the city, they look so pretty.🎶

the man is not amused. "come on, we're talking about a gold piece here." he takes out the sword from his back. "let's see some action."

zuko snaps his head up, but what he didn't know is that his left amber eye where his scar was turned blue that resembles karou's, and the phoenix mark that he got from karou back at the North Pole starts to glow red as the red veins crawled on his arm slowly.

"dance." the man said before swinging his swords at Iroh's feet forcing him to dance while singing.

🎶 and they kiss so sweet that you really have to meet

zuko starts to grip his knees so tightly that he starts to felt something inside of him burning, but it's not his anger, but someone else's anger.

the girls from ba sing se🎶

the guy stopped as he laughed. "nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. here you go." he tosses the coin as he walks away, iroh picks the coin up and sits back down.

"Such a kind man." iroh said.

zuko glared but he start to feel lightheaded, he tries to shrug it off but his vision start to split and start to faint, he hears his uncle's voice but was all muffled and his world go black.


zuko woke up and starts to get up and looks around.

there's nothing but an empty void with red stars in the skies and water below the floor.

as he keeps looking around he stops at the figure at the center with a phoenix statue who is in chains, from both wrists, both ankles, and a neck, but the chain is rusting like they're about to break any moment, their back facing the ex-prince.

zuko squint his eyes to see who it was but turned wide when seeing something or in this case, someone.

it's karou, but not the karou he knew.

her hair is all black and her neck and hair had feathers, both her arms and legs had phoenix talons as she's on her knees looking at the chains.

she started laughing. "soon, very soon once seeing azula again, karou will let all her anger out, she had no choice in the matter, the rest of the black phoenixes are weak, I envisioned it right now...the anger and betrayal will take place in ba sing se, and once the avatar is dead by the hands of the fire nation princess, the chains will break, and I will be free, she can't keep her anger in forever, cause anger will always be a part of her." she looks up at the phoenix statue, "whether she likes it or not, she can't escape anger."

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