10 | pt. 1 : the white violin

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Y/n was pulled out of her light slumber, her senses coming in and out as she adjusted to her surroundings in a sleepy haze. The girl rubbed her eyes groggily and slipped out of her bed, pulling her blazer back on as she stretched her arms before massaging her sore neck. 

As she approached the mirror by her vanity table, a subtle vibration resonated through the floor beneath her, reminiscent of a gentle purr. Reaching for the tie she took off earlier, she began looping the garment under her collar, adjusting the lengths on each side.

She continued until the gentle rumbling gradually intensified into a deafening crash that sounded from below, causing her to waver unsteadily on her feet.

Her eyes widened in alarm, instantly scanning the walls of her room. The lilac paint had suddenly began to gradually crack down, followed by her walls separating, appearing to be slowly splitting down like minuscule lightning bolts striking the earth; a surreal and unsettling sight unfolding before her gaze.

Although stunned, Y/n managed to stagger out of her room upon hearing Diego, outside in the hallway, calling out: "Yo, what the hell is going on?"

The girl emerged into the corridor as the noises of small explosions and glass breaking echoed through her ears.

Luther, Klaus, Diego and Pogo all scurried out, similarly, in both confusion and fright as they questioned the situation in a panic.

"Are those explosions coming f-"

Pogo answered for Klaus with a determined, yet trembling voice. "Vanya. We need to get to safety outside the Academy."

The siblings hesitantly stood in shock as they rendered his words, sharing horrified glances with each other.

When they regained their comprehension, Klaus gave Y/n a small nod, pulling her along with him and Diego while Luther shouted out from behind them to 'not forget Mum'.

Sprinting as fast as their feet could take them out of the hallway and to the stairs, the ceiling above them began collapsing down as they desperately searched for Grace.

"Mum!" Diego yelled in distraught.

"Where is she?!"

The three siblings crossed to the opposite side of the building, running and hollering for their mother, who was nowhere to be seen. Explosions became more frequent and small pieces of concrete began hailing down persistently.

"Watch out!" Y/n's urgent and fearful cry pierced the chaos as she pushed Diego away from imminent danger. With a desperate shove, she managed to divert him just in time from the crumbling fragment hurtling towards him.

Diego hit the ground hard, disoriented by the sudden action. He blinked in a daze, attempting to clear his clouded vision as he clutched his head, momentarily stunned. Meanwhile, Y/n was sprawled on the ground, unresponsive. Beside her, Klaus stirred, groaning and coughing in pain before he stared at the ceiling, shaking the girl in attempt to wake her.

With a surge of determination, Diego swiftly forced himself to his feet, his mind swimming as he struggled to regain his bearings. He glimpsed upward, heart sinking as he saw the cracks spiraling above Y/n and Klaus.

He reached out instinctively, as if he could somehow prevent the impending disaster. With a sickening crash, the debris caved in, sending more shockwaves that echoed through the Academy.

For a moment, Diego's heart froze within him. Then, as the dust began to settle, his gaze swept over Klaus and Y/n, breathing a short sigh of relief as he realised they had narrowly escaped devastation.

Without wasting another precious second, Diego yelled, frantically moving around a pillar to assist them. "Klaus! Shit, close call!"

The man gave a curt nod, accompanied by a strained grunt as he heaved himself up, eyes widening in disbelief when he glanced to an invisible force in front of him in astonishment.

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