2 | pt. 2 : run boy run

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Closing the door behind her, Vanya entered the entrance hall of the Umbrella Academy. "Five?" the woman called out, "Y/n? You upstairs?"

Without any replies, Vanya continued up the large, familiar wooden staircase, assuming that the girl and the boy would most likely be in his room.

"Y/n?" she asked again, though silence was her only response.

Guiding herself through to the next set of stairs that had walls plastered with green, she then marched passed the checkered flooring in the attic.

Peeking into Five's room, she caught a glimpse of Y/n who lay on his bed in boredom, fidgeting with a stray dart from the board of Five's wall.

Glancing across to the left, she saw Five gazing out of his window.

"Oh, thank god," Vanya sighed softly, "I was worried sick about the both of you."

"Sorry, I left without saying goodbye." Five apologised, reeling around to face her.

"'We'," the girl on the bed corrected, raising the dart to point it at Five.

"..No.. I-I'm the one that should be sorry." Vanya disagreed, "Yeah, I was dismissive.. And I.. I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying.. And I still can't, to be honest."

"Well.. Maybe you were right to be dismissive," Five confessed, "Maybe it wasn't real, after all.. It felt real. But, well, like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind."

Y/n gave Five a strange expression, questioning what he was leading on to.

"..Then maybe I'm not.. The right person for you to be talking to. And I used to see someone - a therapist. I could give you her information."

"Thanks.. But.." Five responded, but paused, "..I think Y/n and I are just gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I've had a good sleep."

"Okay." Vanya nodded as she left the room.

"Do I not qualify as a personal therapist?" Y/n asked Five, who replied with a 'nope'.

"Rude." The girl pouted in playful rejection while Five advanced towards his door.

The wardrobe in the boy's room rattled and Klaus stumbled out of it, wearing the most ridiculous shirt.

"That's so.. Touching!" the man admired, placing a hand on his heart as Five glared at him, "All that stuff about family, personal therapists and Dad.. And time.. Wow!"

"Would you shut up? She'll hear you!" Five hissed at Klaus, gesturing through the open door.

"I'm moist!" Klaus blurted out randomly.

"Why didn't we bring Diego?" Y/n turned onto her stomach and mumbled into Five's pillow.

"I thought I told you to put on something professional." Five exclaimed in annoyance.

"This is my nicest outfit." Klaus defended himself, looking mildly offended.

Five sighed heavily.

"Well, I doubt it's going to cut it," Y/n announced, hoisting herself upright to to be seated on the bed, "You reckon we should raid the old man's closet?"

"Much better idea," the boy in uniform replied in approval.

"Whatever," Klaus slouched his shoulders, following after Y/n and Five who proceeded out of the room, "As long as I get paid."

"When the job is done," the girl clarified from beside Five.

"Okay. But, just so we're clear on the finer details," Klaus babbled on, "I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your guys' dear old dad. Correct?"

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