3 | pt. 1 : extra ordinary

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"You complete idiot! Idiot!" Y/n exclaimed, stitching up an injury on Five's arm, "I can't believe I let you take the bag yesterday. You're hurt and it's much worse than mine! You didn't decide to tell me about it last night, either?!"

"It doesn't- It doesn't hurt." the boy said, grimacing as she drove the needle and thread through his skin for the last time.

"Hush, you imbecile."

Five puffed out his cheeks as Y/n extended out her arm, reaching for a small box of adhesive bandages.

The academy girl drew one out and peeled off the paper covering, revealing its childishly cartooned design.

"At least we have matching bandaids." Five pointed out, referring to where he had sewed her own wound, then had stuck an adhesive bandage over the top to prevent the string from coming undone.

"I suppose.." Y/n mumbled while she grabbed a pair of yellow scissors next to her to cut the thread from the needle.

"I was thinking that we should go to MeriTech, again. We can relax while we try to see what Lance is up to. We could some information out of that." Five suggested as the girl set down the needle, then tied up the string.

"Let's just not be the victims to a third attack this time, okay? We seem to have that tendency." She responded, gently placing on the bandaid to Five's arm.

"All right." The boy smirked at her, which made the girl poke her tongue out at him.

"Go wear your shirt, and whatever else. Then we can leave." Y/n instructed, handing Five his black tie.

"We're bringing Delores, by the way." The boy informed her as he stood up to get a clean shirt from his wardrobe.

He heard Y/n groan, muttering a sarcastic 'of course, we are', which made him smile and shake his head.

The girl had now entertained herself by throwing darts at Five's dartboard, waiting for him to finish dressing. Once Five was done, he tapped Y/n's shoulder and pointed a finger at the only window is his room, implying they were leaving through the fire escape in front of it.

"If we're taking the mannequin, I'm carrying her." the girl sighed as the boy went to zip up the green duffel bag that held Delores.

Five grumbled, but handed it to Y/n. He then proceeded towards his window, opening it up.

"Since when did the bag get so heavy?" the girl spoke from behind him, securing the bag's straps around her shoulders.

"Alcohol." Five shrugged nonchalantly, positioning himself on the ledge of the window, then leaping out of it to land on the rusty metal of the fire escape.

"What is it for? A stake-out date?" Y/n teased, following after his actions.

"..Maybe, maybe not."

Both teenagers looked as if their faces were sunburnt. Yet, it was an awfully grey morning, and the fierce sun was covered by clouds.

"Damnit! Where's Dad's stuff?!"

Blinking out of a strange trace, Y/n was the first to speak up. "Did you hear Klaus? Or.. Was that just me?"

"No, I definitely heard him." Five replied as the two began trailing down the steps.

"Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box, so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"Someone's angry." the girl laughed, making her to the end of the stairs, then to a ladder.

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me.. I don't care." the boy in academy uniform stated their presence, descending down the ladder, and looking below at the drugged man digging through a large, green dumpster.

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