7 | pt. 1 : the day that was

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After a extensively exhausting day of planning and handling another gang of criminals who had robbed the city bank, Y/n sluggishly dragged herself out of the car, trudging behind Allison and the other academy children, back to their residence. 

It almost seemed to her like some faux repetition of last week's mission, or the week before that. Reality felt surreal as days repeated over themselves.

She sighed in discontent as the Academy's admirers crowded behind blue temporary fences. Cameras flashed in a frenzy and people of all ages cheered on her and her siblings.

Never enjoying her time in the spotlight, like Allison or Diego did, she lowered her head to cover the pathetic frown on her face. She could stand being afar, smiling synthetically for the press, but so close to so many foreign people that seemed to love her made her head spin.

Y/n was unexpectedly shaken from her uneasy mindset, hastily turning around to see that a young boy her age, dressed in make-shift Umbrella Academy uniform, had grasped onto her arm, halting her.

"Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan!" He exclaimed in excitement, tugging on her wrist. Her eyes darted to the boy, attempting to shake him off.

Luther, who was strolling proudly behind her, observed the commotion ahead of him and tugged the boy off her, scolding him. "Hey, hey. You're not supposed to be in here."

"Get back behind the barricade!" Their father coldly hollered at the young boy as he advanced towards him.

He strained to look up at Reginald, meeting his empty eyes. "It's just.. I was born on the same day as the Academy kids," the boy explained enthusiastically, "I think I'm like them. I must be. I haven't quite figured out what my power is.. Yet. But maybe with your help, we can find out!"

Hargreeves lowered himself to his height, a scowl adorning his winkled face. "You have no power. You never will have power. Now, go home." The man lifted his cane to point behind the boy.

The boy desperately attempted to reason with Reginald. "No, please. Just.. I.. You have to let me stay. I came all this way. Please don't make me go back!"

The old man placed a rough hand on his shoulder as the crowd grew silent. "A little word of advice, my boy. Not everyone in this world can be powerful. Chasing something unattainable is a recipe for a lifetime of disappointment and resentment. So get off my property!"

The boy was furiously shoved by Hargreeves onto the road and he stumbled into the car as people laughed all around him, their voices distorted.

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The sun was setting, painting the city in an orange hue. New York seemed quieter yet more alive at this time of day. The fans from earlier had dispersed and gone their own ways, everyone returning home - all except one.

Allison peeked outside into the front yard through the cracks of the curtain. "Guys, he's still sitting there. Should we tell Dad or can I rumor him to go away?"

Luther pat Allison on the back. "Don't worry, Alli, I'll go take care of him."

"Wait!" Y/n interrupted from beside Diego, "Let me. He's the one who stopped me earlier. Maybe he'll listen to me."

"Yeah, but if I rumor him, he'll go away instantly." Allison countered matter-of-factly.

"You can't just go around rumoring innocent civilians," Ben argued, "That's not what we do."

The curly-haired girl sighed, closing the curtain. "..I guess you're right. We'll do it as a last resort."

Ben suggested Y/n was the best person out of them to convince the kid to leave. Before anyone could even agree, the girl was already racing to her room.

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