2 | pt. 1 : run boy run

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Thirteen years ago:

Grace had gently set down a black vinyl disk on a gramophone. Positioning the metal needle down on the disk, she then strolled to the entrance hall with a metal bell in hand while the informative voice from the record began speaking.

The woman in the blue dress rung the bell, signalling a meal had been cooked.

Immediately, the children of the academy hurried down the wooden stairs to their mother, awaiting another dinner with their wretched father, Reginald.

The eight patiently assembled themselves. They stood behind their dedicated chairs, hearing the familiar footsteps of the man growing closer.

Walking to his own antique seat at the end of the table, Reginald grasped its frame. "Sit!" he commanded, pulling the chair out as Grace advanced elsewhere.

Y/n pouted childishly as she obeyed. The young girl took her seat to the right of Allison, rethinking her decision on eating a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich before dinner.

As the rest collapsed into their own, the quiet dinner had began.

Allison collected her silver cutlery and glanced up at the blonde boy ahead of her. The two locked eyes, almost as if they were silently conversing. Allison's eyes trailed back down to her plate as she cut into her meal with a grin.

Y/n's hand hovered over her fork, though she retracted it. Just as Luther and Allison had, Y/n peered past the brown, curly locks of the girl beside her and over at Five.

Five looked back and shared a knowing look with her, though he seemed awfully fidgety and restless as he kept warily gazing at their father.

Sitting to the left of Five, Diego carved into his seat with a knife, efficiently discovering an excuse not to eat.

Ahead of him, Klaus attentively finished rolling up a small piece translucent parchment, most likely containing something illegal - like cannabis.

Beside Klaus, on the left, a young Asian boy, Ben, quietly read the book by Anton Chekhov that he had become engrossed in.

Y/n had continued to observe Five, though he had tore his now, stormy, green eyes, away from her, to Reginald. Balling up his left fist, his right grasped the knife that had been laying on his napkin.

A piercing clash rattled their porcelain plates on the wooden table that made Y/n flinch, eyes widening in shock. 

Everyone looked towards the loud noise. Five's silver cutlery knife was now impaled through the wood as the boy glared at his father.

"Number Five!" Reginald announced, earning his awareness.

"I have a question-" Five began.

"-Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules: no talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson!" the man exclaimed, reminding him as he waved around his own knife to emphasise his sentence.

Agitated, Five angrily shoved his plate away in annoyance.

"I want to time travel" he demanded, bitterly.

"No!" Hargreeves denied, unamused by the boy's behaviour.

"But I'm ready," Five argued, pushing back his chair as he stood up, "I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said!"

In a flash of blue, Five teleported to the corner of the table, beside Y/n and in front of Reginald. "See?!"

Y/n nervously bit her lip, frowning up at him. Why was he doing this so suddenly? He had never mentioned to her about having the need to time travel.

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