0 | pt. 3 : entrails in the shadows

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(tw: graphic-ish descriptions of death for this chapter so read at your own discretion !!)

"Remove the subject and exterminate the traitor on sight."

The voice reverberated through the chamber with a cold detachment, the orders uncompromising. It grew eerily quiet, the only sound being the screeching of the alarm, drowning out the noise of guns clicking and feet shifting.

But the quiet was short-lived.

Not a moment later, the shadows seemed to come alive, swirling and twisting as if they had a mind of their own. The red lights cast a sinister glow upon the shadows, displaying their every movement with a haunting intensity.

Caught off guard, the soldiers began reacting with a flurry of actions. Their commands rang out in a frenzy, punctuated by the readying of their weapons and the harsh glare of torches from their bulletproof vests that lit up the the room.

The soldiers searched with their eyes for their two targets, though they had unexpectedly vanished. Without another second to compose themselves, the tendrils of darkness shot down, a violent scene ensuing.

Guns blazed, aimlessly firing into the darkness ahead. Though, their defense was to no use. The nauseating sound of skin being impaled and limbs being sliced echoed throughout until it eventually silenced to only the alarms once again.

Y/n watched as the soldier from behind the glass, observing the chaos, dropped the speaker, immediately fumbling through his suit for a walkie talkie.

The girl stole a quick glimpse of the wounded woman beside her, who had a bullet lodged into her shoulder, using the bloodied wall of the room to support herself.

"They're going to call for backup." Her voice wavered, muttering in irritation. "God, why is it always this difficult?" Smudging off a fresh splatter of crimson from her cheek, she stalked toward the tinted glass barrier. "Just stay calm, it's fine. You're fine."

As she approached the window, she could see the soldier barking a panic of words into his transmitter. She slammed her palm against the glass, startling the man. "Oh no you don't, bitch! I'm gonna fuck you up!"

The soldier recoiled back, his empty hand searching for the pistol strapped to his thigh. He tugged the firearm out, pointing it straight at her.

Y/n hesitated for a moment, seeing the barrel pressed against the barrier, directed to her forehead. Though, her determination remained firm, a raging glint of furiosity swirling through her eyes. Her hand collided with the glass once more, and this time, a strange sensation flowed through her. It was as though a surge of energy pulsed through her veins, distorting her perception of reality.

She tried blinking away her hazy vision, her environment blurring into a whirl of colors as she felt herself slipping through the glass, her form melding into the shadows before materialising once again behind the barrier, facing the soldier's back.

Before she could comprehend the surreal experience, the man spun around, firing a shot that narrowly missed the side of her face. Though still in a daze, she lunged out at him in retaliation, wrestling for the gun.

They collapsed to the ground in a tangled heap, the pistol skittering smoothly across the floor. The two enemies struggled towards it, and the soldier's strength was surprisingly formidable, demonstrated in the way he pressed her down with relentless force.

With a swift, unexpected blow, his fist connected with Y/n's stomach, knocking the wind from her lungs. She doubled over, seething in pain, but it hadn't faltered her. Summoning her remaining energy, the girl launched a knee between his legs, her movements fueled by sheer determination.

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