2 | pt. 3 : run boy run

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Light rain poured down on an empty parking lot. The only illumination provided had been a few lights and the moon's eerily brilliant radiation.

"Couldn't this wait 'til tomorrow?" complained Y/n, who begrudgingly trailed beside Five.

The boy glanced at her paling face that was drenched in droplets of water. "This is important. Just trust me," he muttered, holding out his hand for her, "I want you to meet someone. We'll be in and out before you know it."

"Who works their shift in a closed department store at quarter to one?" Y/n spoke, gazing up at the large letters of a red, neon sign that read 'The Gimbel Brothers' as she reached out for Five's cold fingers.

"Well, it's not-" Five objected, tightening his grip on her hand, "-Never mind. It'll make sense, soon enough."

"Okay, then," the girl sighed, preparing herself for a spatial jump as they approached the glass doors of the store, "Lead the way."

Five nodded and teleported inside.

Reappearing in the interior of Gimbel Brothers, Y/n released the boy's grasp and readjusted her black tie.

"All right.. Where now?" she questioned Five as her flickering through the clothes that were barely visible in the dark.

He only frowned and proceeded ahead of her, past the discount signs, pausing in front of a rack. "We need a flashlight." Five stated, turning to face her as his hands found their way to his blazer's pockets.

"Well, let's split up, then," Y/n suggested, "We may even locate your mystery person."

"Okay," he agreed, staring over his shoulder, "I'll go right."

"I reckon it will be simple enough to find each other once one has a light source," the girl added, heading off to the left, "Point the beam at the ceiling and we'll go from there."

Five sent her a smirk and a two-fingered salute in response, walking backwards into his designated direction, though he unintentionally crashed into a rack of women's clothes.

Y/n softly laughed and shook her head playfully as the boy awkwardly regained his posture, scowling at his stupidity.

"See you soon, portal-boy." she exclaimed in hilarity.

Parting their separate ways, the two searched for flashlights.

Through the departments store's maze of items, Five carefully eyed each accessory stand, metal pegboard and white, wired basket that could hold a light source.

Staring down at an object that firmly resembled what they set out to look for, he grabbed one and switched on the device.

Shining it at the ceiling, the boy could hear another clicking of shoes growing closer, indicating that Y/n had noticed his signal.

"I'm right ahead of you!" Five called out to her.

Seeing the familiar h/c hair, he aimed his torch's light towards Y/n.

"Careful!" she warned him, covering her eyes with her arms to protect herself from the blinding stream of white.

"Oh- Sorry" Five apologised, turning it aside to the left of her.

"No worries," the girl reassured him, blinking away the yellow and green splotches from her eyesight as she maneuvered through the large rack of clothing that divided the two from each other, "Have you found your person, yet?"

"No." he replied, navigating the beam towards some mannequins behind him.

"Come on, let's keep looking." Y/n said, advancing to the boy while lifting a hand to her mouth to quietly yawn.

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