6 | pt. 1 : the day that wasn't

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It was a gloomy day as it had recently been raining the previous night. Lush green grass surrounded Y/n's vision as they strolled across the concrete ground. There were old cars -- 1955 models, and people dressed fashionably. Well, whatever was fashionable 60 years ago. They must've time traveled.

Proceeding further, the woman spoke up out of nowhere, guiding them to an unknown destination. "You know, I must admit to you Y/n, in all the time I've been alive, I've never met anyone quite like you."

The girl stared at the Handler, that was what she had called herself, incredulously. "You don't even know me."

The woman playfully shrugged as they walked. "I've heard rumors."

Y/n looked to Five uncomfortably and the repulsion was almost evident in his face. He glanced back and grabbed for her hand, holding it tightly.

The two academy students picked up their pace as the Handler's heels clicked across the pavement faster.

"So, you never told me why I'm here. I don't get it. I'm not affiliated with your.. What was it?"

"The Commission, dear," the lady replied smoothly, "Don't worry, you'll be informed in no time."

"You're not going to, like, execute me or something?" The girl asked, furrowing her eyebrows as Five matched her expression.

"Oh, no. Don't be so silly! We don't play mind games here, you're apart of the bigger picture. You're undeniably important."

"Well, that's a first," she mumbled, attempting to comprehend the situation she was in as they neared a large brick building. What would they possibly need someone like her for?

They entered the structure with many other working adults, shuffling aside as they pushed past them.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience," Five declared to the Handler who lead them up a staircase, "As well as this body replacement, for the both of us."

Y/n nodded in approval, thinking. 'Yeah, it'd be nice to sound 30, let alone look 30.'

The handler replied, adjusting her hair. "Such chutzpah. It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down, Five. All in good time. In fact, since you're both.. Working for us, we've got all the time in the world."

Reality finally set in after a while. "Hey, lady, I didn't agree to be here, or even work here. What the fuck is going on?"

"Watch your tone, young girl," the Handler responded lowly, a hint of danger and seriousness laced within her voice, "We're all professionals in here." She then sweetly smiled at an employee that rushed past, greeting her.

"I'm not a young girl, Handler," Y/n spoke back, resisting the urge to run as she dug the nails of her free hand, that wasn't held by Five's, into her palm.

The woman only hummed, directing them through the building. 

Y/n gazed around at the large dark room they had just moved into. Was it bigger in the inside than the outside, or was it just her? She already hated it here.

They continued on as the Handler began speaking once more. "The Commission works in support of a delicate balance between the time line of events and mankind's free will," She informed Y/n specifically. Five already knew, but it was an irritating refresher.

"The briefcase is no longer part of your kit, Five. Free your mind. You're management now. One of us." She resumed talking as they stood next to the 'Briefcase Room'.

Five had to practically drag around Y/n to keep up with the Handler as they toured the Commission.

The woman with white hair blabbed on about the workplace as they strolled through beige-coloured brick corridors. Y/n hated to admit it, but it was mildly intriguing.

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