7 | pt. 2 : the day that was

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The streets of New York were busy, cars honking and people scattered around everywhere. Maybe they were scrambling to grab a coffee before their lunch break ended or perhaps it was the first time a young couple would have their first date in a little corner café.

She liked mundane. Sometimes, she wished she was just ordinary. Going to a real school, growing up normally (and literally), getting a job, cozy apartment, a cute cat.. Maybe a boyfriend too. She'd only ever read of that lifestyle in books.

Y/n gazed from out the window and focused on the boy that was seated next to her. He was arguing with the driver over something stupid but he looked so ethereal, even if he was an asshole sometimes. Was he always this handsome?

The girl blinked out of trance as Five tapped her on the arm, speaking something incoherently. "S- Sorry, what did you say?" she managed to stutter out.

"I said, 'are you okay?'" Five asked her, furrowing his brows as he held her arm. His cheeks were tinted red.

"Yeah.. My apologies, I was just thinking." Y/n shook her head, hiding her embarrassment as she responded as smoothly as she could.

Diego stifled a laugh as he turned down them another street. "Thinking about how handsome our brother is?"

"What the hell? Wait.. What? He's not my brother.. I wasn't even legally adopted. W- Wait, no. What brother? No, there was just a really cute guy outside earlier. I saw him walking past. Yup, you know, very cute. Dark, curly hair.. Dreamy eyes."

She heard Five bitterly grumble from beside her, mumbling on about how he 'got the picture'. Allison chuckled at the interaction.

The remainder of the drive was quiet until Five's hand gravitated toward Y/n's, him intertwining their fingers. He whispered to her about how the guy was probably 'boring and fucking lame anyway'.

Soon, Diego slowed the car down, switching it off as they parked on the side of the street by the police station. "I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record." He stated. "We just gotta get our hands on this file."

"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison questioned his proposition sarcastically.

"His name is Harold, right?" Y/n thought aloud.

"Yeah, Harold Jenkins." Diego confirmed, ignoring Allison temporarily.

"Huh," she breathed out in contemplation, "Now that I think about it, the name Harold seems oddly familiar."

"You know this guy?" Allison asked her, leaning from her seat at the front to stare into the back where Five and Y/n were seated.

Y/n bit her lip as she unfastened her seatbelt. "No.. I can't recall. Just swore I've heard it before." She took a second before she looked back at Allison and shrugged, gesturing with her arms. "No clue."

"Well, anyway, sis," Diego added in confidently, returning his attention to Allison with his eyebrows creased together. "I know the station like the back of my hand. I've spent a lot of time inside."

Allison stared at the presumptuous man. "Handcuffed." She expressed candidly.

"Whatever," he dismissed her, "Here's the plan."

"-Plan?" Five echoed, looking at him like he said something unbelievable. "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

Diego shook his head in short motions. "No, that's not.. You don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"

"I literally just did this yesterday."

Y/n covered her mouth with her fingers, pursing her lips as she attempted not to laugh.

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