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Stefan and Kelsey arrived to the school as Alaric wanted to tell them about Isobel, but the young Gilbert wanted to sleep. Being up all night throwing up wore her out. "You can lean against me, baby."

"Trust me. That's the plan." She tells him as they got to the classroom to see Elena waiting for them along with Brittany and Kevin as Damon walked in behind them. "So, what's this big meeting about because I have this man and a bed I want."

"Isobel is back."

Kelsey looked at Elena. "How do you feel about her being back?" She asked. "I mean, I know you were looking for answers, but now, she's here."

Elena smiled. "I'm not truly sure how to feel about this."

Kelsey nodded before running to the trash can. "Maybe we should worry about Isobel." Brittany tells Stefan. "Let Jenna know that you are taking her out of town for a bit. Maybe you two can discuss the wedding."

Stefan smiled as Kelsey went over to him and hugged him. That made up his mind. They needed to get out of town for a few days and he was going to start now. Kissing her head, the two left. Elena looked at Brittany. "Thank you. They need time to theirselves."

"Did I just hear you right?" She asked. "You care now?"

"I'm realizing my mistake." She tells her. "And I'm doing what I can to get her to see that I am truly sorry."

Brittany nodded as she went after Damon as he was pissed that Alaric didn't ask questions. "Damon!" He looked at her. "Are you acting like this because of E...."

"Finish that and you will be punished." He tells her. "No. I don't have feelings for Elena. You are the only girl I want. I hate that she threatened the woman I love, my family, she crossed it. Isobel will die and so will Katherine." He kissed her. "Let's go see what this bitch wants."

"Let's go."

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