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Kelsey woke up and sighed as last night came back. Brittany walked in and sat on her bed as Elena joined them. "So, are we going to talk about last night..."

"No because I feel like Damon isn't just after Katherine. There's someone else."

"Who?" Elena asked.

Kelsey walked over to her bookshelf. She pulled out a journal and looked at them. "I didn't show this to Jeremy yet unless he found another journal, but Kevin Gilbert was turned when Katherine arrived. She messed with him too." She says. "He was close friends with Damon."

The two girls looked at her. "What now?"

"Easy. We make sure he doesn't act out and hopefully there isn't another way." Kelsey looked at Brittany. "You are going to be on babysitting duties." She then looked at Elena. "And you have no say so here."

Elena stood there as Kelsey and Brittany walked out discussing more on the plan. She knew that they don't trust her as she wanted Stefan, but she can't have him because of the mate bond that Stefan and Kelsey have. Their soulmates and no matter what she does, Stefan only has one.
Later that day, Kelsey was walking through the hall to see they were having a career day. She looked at Brittany who sighed. "So, Damon called me and said there is a new vampire." She tells her as they walked through the halls. "Stefan is on his way to make sure you are informed so you can be on watch."

"That doesn't make sense." She says. "I kind of had a feeling that something wasn't right when I woke up. People going missing over night? That doesn't add up."

The two walked out as Stefan saw her. "Hey." He says kissing her.

Brittany laughed as she looked at him. "What am I? Chop liver."

The two broke apart and looked at her. "Brittany, I love you, but you definitely need to get laid and leave us alone."

The witch looked at her. "Ew. No." She tells them. "Let's talk about this new vampire."

Stefan started telling them what he knows. The same thing that Kelsey figured out. He told them that Damon is looking into it as he is wanting to get into that tomb causing Brittany to look at Kelsey. "Tell him."

"Tell me what."

Kelsey looked at him. "Is there a possibility that Damon isn't just after Katherine?"

"What do you mean?"

This time, Brittany spoke up. "What she means is that there is someone else and I happen to find a crest that Damon has, but it's not yours or his. This one is like a hunter symbol." She tells him as they started walking. "And Kelsey had found this journal she used to read that belongs to Kevin Gilbert."

"Kevin?" He says. "I remember him. Katherine compelled him too, but I didn't know he turned."

"He's last entry was before the first founders ball." She says as they got to the cars. "We need more information from Damon and we both know he won't speak to us." Kelsey looked at Brittany who looked confused.


"I know who Damon will speak to."

"Oh no. We are not..."
Kelsey smirked as she walked through the school looking at careers with Stefan. "I can't believe you did that."

"Damon has a thing for Brittany and I know that is the only way to get him to talk is by her being there." She tells him. "Now, what did you want to do before you were turned?"

"Be a doctor. You?"

Kelsey thought about that. She didn't know as she always thought she would follow her parents footsteps, but now, it's different. She's a hunter, the man of her dreams is a vampire, and her best friend a witch. "I think it would have to be something for the supernatural. Help people control their thirst, magic and be hunters if they know they are bad people. I want to help people."

"And you are." He says. "I have faith in you, baby."

Kelsey smiled as she kissed him. Elena saw them and walked over. "Jenna is freaking out."


"Logan Fell is here."

Stefan and Kelsey knew. He was the new vampire. "Find Matt and stay with him."

Elena nodded as she went over to speak to Matt as Kelsey and Stefan split up to find Logan. Kelsey walked outside. She didn't know that Logan followed her till he knocked her out.
Stefan looked at his girlfriend as she started waking up. "Stefan?"

"Hey, you scared me to death."


"Dead." He says kissing her. "You have no idea what it was like hearing Elena telling me that you were missing. I thought she was up to something, but for once, she didn't and that makes me happy."

Kelsey kissed him as she thought she almost died. Stefan laid her back on the bed as he thought he lost her himself.
Brittany was heading home when she saw someone standing in the middle of the road causing her to scream as she hit the person and lost control. Her car flipped more than once till it finally landed on the top. Brittany hung upside down unconscious.

Kelsey GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now