From Our Own Shadows Part 4

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???: ... Tch... How did she find out so quickly?

In the midst of the human village, a robed person quickly walked along the paths to avoid being detected by a certain silver haired woman. The person seemed to wear your face except, it was a completely different being as it hurried across the village.

???: *quietly* It was much easier to fool the Tengu and Kappa, but this woman is perceptive... And I was close too...!

Keine: Excuse me, but may I ask for your name?

The voice called out to the suspicious person as they quickly came to a halt at the edge of the village's border.

Keine: I don't wish to bring you any harm. However, some of the villagers have been quite uncomfortable of a suspicious person following them around. Now, who are you?

All they could do was turn around and face the village guardian. Naturally, Keine was quite surprised to see your face until she quicklyngrew annoyed.

Keine: (Y/N) this is very much unlike you! What do you have to say fo-

She took her eyes off of the person for a moment and barely missed them jumping over the high wall to make their escape.

???: *in thought* Who even am I anymore?

End of Flashback

(Y/N): *groans* The hell was that?

You slowly rose from the uncomfortable ground and shook your head after the odd memory. As soon as you were back on your feet, you dusted yourself off and scanned your surroundings.

(Y/N): Damn... This was inside the mountain the whole time?

You poked your head out of the artificial cave and observed the magma flow downwards at a slope. Turning your head to where the molten rock was flowing from, you noticed strange burn marks on the ground trailing upwards into another cave system.

(Y/N): That's where it ran off to.

Just as you were about to start searching for your enemy, you felt a hand grab you by the shoulder. This startled you and quickly stepped away to turn around.

(Y/N): Oh... Marisa...!

Marisa: (Y/N)...!

You were met with your blonde friend who seemed to be injured as she struggled to hold her left arm and directly beside her was an injured Reisen. The moon rabbit seemed to have a trail of blood running from her head and onto the side of her face while Marisa was doing her best to hold in the pain on her arm.

Reisen: It's him.

They inwardly sighed in relief as Marisa took a seat on a conveniently placed rock.

(Y/N): Are you two alright? What happened?

Reisen: When we were dragged in here, that thing basically tossed us around until it eventually stopped after what I'm assuming is from your attack. I'm fine for the most part, but Marisa's shoulder has been dislocated.

Marisa: I'm fine...! Ow...!

(Y/N): Definitely not, believe me.

Reisen: I'm afraid to say this but we're going to have to find her some proper treatment.

Marisa: I said I'm fine! Now let's just go after this guy and finish the job!

She attempted to stand on her feet, but you simply blocked her way.

(Y/N): As much as I admire your tenacity but Reisen is right. You can't exactly keep going like this. Believe me, I tried once, and I was still forced to rest.

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