Within the Shadow - Part 3.5

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(Y/N): It's still pretty mind blowing that you can understand this sort of stuff.

Lucius: It's what happens when your mom is a physicist, ask her for help on a simple question and you get an entire lecture about something completely different.

You were currently watching the brown haired girl, Lucius, writing down notes while reading from a text book. As she wrote down the numbers on her notebook, you decided to slurp another fork full of instant noodles.

(Y/N): Wow, she must really love her work.

Lucius: You don't even know half of it. Still, I'm not really one to complain about this lifestyle since I also share the same passion.

You shrugged lightly in response since you were busy crewing your food.

Lucius: Did you really have to eat now?

(Y/N): I'm hungry, I had to skip out on lunch to finish that project.

Lucius: *sigh* Just as long as you're still hungry by the time my parents get back.

(Y/N): It's just instant noodles, not really filling at all.

You gave her a small peck on the cheek however, you couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Lucius: ... What?

There was a small piece of noodle that was planted on her cheek from your quick kiss. She only rolled her eyes but laughed before wiping it away.

Lucius: *giggle* Alright, I really need to finish this now.

End of Flashback

Lucius: *in thought* Even when we reunited, my memories of our time together came back... I just couldn't bring myself to confess... He was already so happy with everyone else, I didn't want him to worry about me... I'm sorry (Y/N)... I still love you... after all of this time.

(Y/N): LUCIUS!!!

You were shouting at the top of your lungs as she was tossed to the side without a care in the world. You immediately dashed forward and caught her body in your arms as your opponent simply stood still. Sakuya appeared by your side as you held Lucius in your arms.

Sakuya: (Y/N)... I know this is difficult but give her to me!

Your hands were shaking as watched the life drain from your friend's eyes. Tears were streaming across her cheeks, the woman struggled to breath as blood slowly escaped from her mouth.

As for everyone else, they were staring down a tall dark and cloaked figure however, there were feathers that adorned his head as red eyes pierced everyone's soul. Everything was moving slow as soon as everyone else made the first move. Of course, the enemy was prepared as he brought fourth his spear to defend against Alice's dolls. Meanwhile, Reimu and Marisa combined their strengths to generate a powerful ranged attack that was easily avoided.  The figure moved around the massive beam and appeared at the base to kick both girls away. Youmu charged in towards the mysterious man and both of their weapons clashed. Unfortunately, he was able to push the weapons away although he was quickly surrounded by a storm of bullets from everyone.

While everyone struggled to fight against the common enemy, you were still frozen in your spot. Sakuya desperately removed the woman from your arms until your grip finally loosened.

Sakuya: Go! I can do my best to try and save her!

You were snapped out of your trance and only nodded in response before the maid quickly vanished with the girl in her arms.

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