Gentle in the Night Part 1

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Ah yes...

Yet another day here in Gensokyo...

Everyone going about their daily lives in the human village and even the youkai themselves keeping busy outside of the borders of the village. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the temporary moment of peace after the past few incidents. One of said incidents was said to brought a pot of fear into the humans that lived in their village due to the fact that they were experiencing sudden and sever weather changes from the unnamed warrior. An incident that was brought fourth by a confused mad deity that lost his reason during his early years...

Anyways, back onto the subject of Gensokyo, currently we are moving our next location to the Forest of Magic. The fairies flying around were happy to breath life as they gleefully play with each other.

Meanwhile, we move our attention to a familiar home that belongs to a certain blonde human.

(Y/N): You sure you want to keep it this way?

You were currently standing in front of Marisa's home as she stood by your side, overlooking the makeshift shack.

Marisa: Yup! Couldn't think of anything better than my own handiwork, ze! Thanks for the help on the repairs, by the way.

(Y/N): No problem but.... I'm just saying, I can help with some renovations, I've basically turned Lady Yukari's Home into an estate. I don't mind adding a few things to make it look more.... Stable.

Marisa: Ah, don't worry about it. This is just as good as any other home!

Just as she spoke, the sign above the door practically fell over as you two watched in silence.

(Y/N): Come on, we'll get some more materials nearby.

The ordinary magician let out a nervous laugh as she followed behind to gather the necessary materials for her house.

Hours Later

Marisa: Alright, Alright fine! This definitely looks a lot better on the outside.

Now the both of you were sitting in front of a camp fire, in front of her renovated home, cooking some meat that you purchased from the Human Village.

Marisa: How did you even get so good at this? It practically looks like it can handle a tornado now!

(Y/N): I told you, I did a lot of renovations for Lady Yukari.

As you spoke, you began to carefully flip the pieces of meat over the makeshift grill.

(Y/N): You'll be surprised with what you can learn from a book called "House Improvemrnt for Dummies"

Marisa: *snickers* They made a book specifically for dummies?

(Y/N): It's a bit of a collection of books back where I'm from. Makes things that are hard to understand, easy to use for just about anyone.

Marisa: Oooh, that sounds really handy! You have to show me one of these books whenever you can, ze! I borrowed a few books from the mansion and there's a few that I really want to understand!

(Y/N): Borrowed or stole?

You took one small glimpse at her as she tapped your arm with her shoulder and laughed a lite nervously. Luckily, you were able to see without your sunglasses due to the tall trees blocking the sunlight. Unbeknownst to you, however, she accidentally knocked over the pair of sunglasses, from the log that the both of you occupied, as she nearly fell over from losing her balance.

Marisa: I'm only borrowing them... Until I'm dead!

(Y/N): Careful, that could be any moment now.

As you finished cooking the meat, you brought fourth a small bag that contained a couple of bentos that were mostly filled with rice and steamed vegetables. You separated the pieces of cooked meat so that it is split equally between the both of you. Marisa glady accepted her portion of the meal and began to eat after you handed her a pair of chopsticks.

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