Within the Shadow - Part 3

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Yukari: What brings you here?

(Y/N): I need to see Rose.

Yukari: Oh? What for?

(Y/N): Because... She must have done something for me to think of all this in the first place! If I can at least talk to her then she would be able to help me understand. This could be something that I can use to save Patchy's life, so please let me see her!

You held up the journal in front of Yukari and she smiled before opening a gap to the Netherworld.

Yukari: Very well~ Just let me know when you're ready to return.

You nodded before stepping inside of the gap.

Hakurei Shrine

Marisa: Honestly, I'm just glad we're out of that fight. My arms are still shaking from all of that shock.

Reimu: I know what you mean. He only used a few blasts but it was enough to inflict this much damage.

Alice: There's no telling what he may use next.

Reimu: You're planning on helping us out?

Alice: It doesn't seem like I have any other choice. Besides, I'm sure I can be of use when we find a successful way of rescuing Patchouli.

Marisa: But how do we even know that he has her?

Reimu: I can tell she's in there. Earlier today, I felt another presence crying out for help. There's no telling what's happening to her at this moment but according to Yukari, we're on a bit of a timer if we want to save her.

Marisa: Oh man... Thats heavy...

Alice: So our best bet is to put all of our faith into (Y/N).

Sakuya: It would seem that way. Although I am curious as to how he learned of the equations written in her journal. Back when he lived with us, he would struggle to understand the more complicated books in our inventory.

Koakuma: Oh I remember that!

Everyone grew silent for a moment as they were curious about your sudden gain in knowledge. However, Reimu shivering in her spot gained everyone's attention.

Reimu: ... Why is it suddenly cold?

Back With You

(Y/N): Wait what do you mean she's not here at the moment?

You were currently in Hakugyokurou speaking with the pink haired ghost princess as she awaited for the last of her meal to arrive. Even with a feast laid in front of her, she chose to be patient for her final dish to arrive.

Yuyuko: I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly where she is residing. She made it very clear that nobody disturb her during her work.

(Y/N): .... Work?

Yuyuko: Yes. Believe it or not, Ms. Rose chose to stay in her current form because of her passion.

(Y/N): Look I just need her help with something?

Yuyuko: Oh yes, she did mention something about you wanting help... hmmm... What did she say...? Oh! "If you're trying to apply the equations into magic, please remember that it isn't exactly necessary since all of this is still new to me. However, it can provide another angle into whatever it is you're working on."

(Y/N): ... Eh?

Yuyuko: Well it's what she told me to repeat to you since you're in a bit of a situation... May I ask, what is it that you're working on?

(Y/N): Erm... My own spell that I'm trying to create.

Yuyuko: Ooh how exciting! I'd like to hear all about it.

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