From Our Own Shadows Part 3

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(Y/N): Right. All three of us are out here to hunt down something that could potentially be anybody we can think of... From what I've learned so far, it seems to copy the appearance of youkai as well so we'd best be on our toes if we want to make it through this.

Reisen: Mimicking even the appearance of youkai will definitely make this a lot more difficult... However... I'm sure I can find a way to detect our enemy.

Marisa: Even then, we should come up with some secret code or something just to make sure.

(Y/N): I don't know, seems a bit risky...!

Marisa: Come on, there's nobody else around.

(Y/N): Wrong...!

It was currently morning, and the three of you were holding a small meeting inside the tent. Everyone was dressed and prepared to venture out into the woods after everyone was briefed about the objective.

(Y/N): It's out somewhere. It can possibly be listening in on us at this very moment.

Everyone froze in silence as they listened to your words, leaving them slightly shaking from dread.

Reisen: So then what do we do to identify one another?

(Y/N): Only thing I can say is just think back to something only we can remember.

The both of them thought about it for a minute until they realized why you asked them strange questions for the past couple of days.

Marisa: Now I get it.

You lightly smiled as you nodded in response.

(Y/N): Remember to stay close. If anyone gets separated, run back here as fast as possible.

Reisen: Right!

Marisa: I do have one question... Are we going to... You know... Exterminate this enemy, literally?

(Y/N): Personally, I'd prefer to talk my way out of this, but who or what this has proven to be a threat to the peace of this world. If there's a way to end this peacefully, then I'd much prefer that, but we all know it most likely won't go down without a fight.

Reisen: That may be true, but if really does come to that...

(Y/N): Let's not think about it right now. For now, subdue the copycat, and we'll think of something then.

The two girls were a little hesitant but agreed on the plan before all of you crawled out of tent. Once the three of you reached the edge of the barrier, you scanned the area one last time before leaving the area.

(Y/N): Seems clear so far... *sniff sniff* Hmm...

Reisen: What is it?

(Y/N): Nothing just... Could have sworn I smelled freshly cut cucumbers.

Marisa: Your nose can't be that good.

(Y/N): You'd be a little surprised... I usually smell blood *Sniff* Oh...

As the trio walked, you picked up a faint smell of blood. Something about the stench was odd but the scent seemed difficult to track.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, I can already smell blood... Can't exactly trace it...

Marisa: Not only that... *shudder* It just feels unsettling out here...!

Reisen's eyes were glowing as she decided to look around for a little.

Reisen: I just hope we're not hunting down something that doesn't exist.

(Y/N): Or perhaps shouldn't...

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