Until I Sleep - Part 3.5

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Yuyuko: Are you sure that you can't stay with us? It gets lonely when it's just Youmu and I.

(Y/N): Erm, sorry but I'm sort of under house arrest...

Yuyuko: I know about your punishment but I'm sure Yukari wouldn't mind of you stayed with us~

Yukari: Maybe once I decide that his punishment is over then I'll gladly drop him off here.

You were baffled by Yukari's response since it seems as if you were always her property.

(Y/N): Hey! I'm my own person!

Yukari: I'm sure you are. Shall we return?

Everyone else agreed as you followed behind them to return home. Right before Yukari opened a gap, three individuals immediately flew into the building and presented themselves before Yuyuko. You were quite puzzled by the mysterious entrance but you shrugged it off as Yukari opened the gap and your group stepped inside to return home.

(Y/N): ... Did anyone notice that they had instruments floating beside them?

Ran: Hm? Oh, you haven't met the Prismriver sisters!

(Y/N): Well, we were already leaving anyways.

Chen: Awww and they showed up last minute too.

Yukari: You'll have another time to ah with them. For now, it's best to prepare for the road ahead of us.

(Y/N): Yes ma'am, though... Kinda confused by this whole "borrowing Gensokyo's spring" plan.

Ran: I am as well but soon enough, we will see for ourselves.

(Y/N): Right... Wouldn't be surprised if Reimu would get involved.

All of you quickly arrived in front of Yukari's home in order to rest for the day. Immediately, Chen ran inside so that she may take a small nap.

Yukari: I don't doubt the shrine maiden stepping in to resolve the situation. That is why I will trust that you have made any breakthroughs with your training.

Yukari stopped in her tracks to look at you in the eyes.

(Y/N): I have a lot more control now.

Ran: I've witnessed it myself, he's made significant progress and learned a few techniques to keep himself in check.

(Y/N): And yes, I've been taking those blood pills.

Yukari proceeded to smile and pat your head before heading inside.

Yukari: Glad to hear it.

You felt relieved that Yukari approved of your response, however you knew that it never gave you a reason to slow down your training progress.

Ran: I know what you're thinking.

(Y/N): Well there isn't exactly much else to do out here... There's not many books and my "cellular device" is dead without a charger sooooo...

Just as you were about to leave for some more training, Ran grabbed you by the shoulder to halt your advances.

Ran: Not so fast. You are going to accompany me to the human village and we are going to bring back some groceries for dinner. Understand?

(Y/N): *sigh* Yes mom.

Ran: Good, then let's be off!

Hakurei Shrine

???: *Groan* My head...

The next morning at the Hakurei Shrine, a certain woman stirred awake from her own slumber. Her entire body was sore from previous events however, her headache was much more painful than the rest. Everything felt like a blur as her vision slowly adjusted to the daylight, although night time was slowly approaching.

Never Forsaken (Touhou X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें