Within the Shadow - Part 2

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Ran: Are you certain about this?

Yukari: Of course, it's only fair to be able to answer their questions once they have faced their opponent for the first time.

Both Yukari and Ran were currently looking towards one of Yukari's portals that overlooked the oncoming battle. The blonde shikigami was worried for your safety as she watched land in front of the human manifestation of lightning.

Ran: *In thougt* I'm sorry (Y/N)... If I could, I'd step in to help.

Back With You

You felt a chill crawl down your spine as you examined the manifestation in front of you.

(Y/N): ... Who are you?

You heard an audible sigh coming from the manifestation as it reached to hold its head with a hand.

???: *sigh* Doubt I could remember it.... *groans* Perhaps it is because of this headache.

(Y/N): Not something I'd expect from someone that's been dealing more damage than us.

???: *small laugh* I caused quite the stir, haven't I? Oh don't worry, compared to what I've done back home... This is nothing.

The mysterious person straightened himself out as traces of black fog slowly leaked from his body of energy.

(Y/N): ... Back home, huh?

???: So you're not exactly a native to this place either.

As the both of your spoke, Marisa and Reimu arrived by your sides as they never took their eyes from the enemy.

Marisa: I've heard this voice...

???: Ah, now I recognize that hat.

Marisa: Wait now I remember! You're the one that arrived with Luci!

???: *laughs* Ya know... I'm surprised to know that girl is still around after all of that.

(Y/N): What the hell did you even want with her?

???: Nothing in particular.

The three of you felt the energy spike from the enemy as he slowly adjusted to himself into a position that would ready him for an attack.

???: Now that I have a lot free time on my hands... I was thinking off cutting loose in this strange world.

The tension quickly grew as you and the other two girls readied yourselves for any incoming attacks. However, everyone felt a sudden pressure weigh them down until your eyes widened in realization.


Lightning struck the enemy and within seconds, he unleased a powerful explosion of lightning that sent everyone flying backwards. Your body crashed into a tree and quickly fell to the ground. You were in excruciating pain from the blast and your entire body shook from the shock as you attempted to rise on your feet.

The sounds of lightning crackling nearby was enough for you to turn your head to find the humanoid body of lightning slowly approaching. Without warning, he fired another blast of lightning towards your direction only for Reimu to suddenly jump in between with a barrier in front.

Reimu: (Y/N), Can you stand?!

(Y/N): Yeah!

You responded by quickly standing on your feet however, you struggled to keep your composure as your legs felt like jelly. Your eyes were focused on Reimu, who sustained heavy damage as some of her wounds were leaking blood.

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