Gentle in the Night - Finale

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(Y/N): *snore* I miss tacos...

The sounds of snickering was heard as you were currently sleeping in the mysterious mansion that resides within the bamboo forest. At the moment, you were sleeping in Reisen's bedroom as said rabbit eared girl was sleeping in her own bed while you were in a makeshift bed with a blanket over yourself. Even Patchouli was asleep in the darkest corner of the room in case the incident resolved, in this case, the sun began to slowly creep into the room.

Tewi: *low volume* I don't know what that is but just hearing this sleep talking is too funny!

The black haired girl is currently I'm the room, keeping an eye on everyone since there is currently nothing else for her to do until everything is back to normal.

Reisen: *yawn* What time is it?

Tewi: Time for you to get back to work!

Reisen: Eh?! So soon?

Tewi only laughed in response from Reisen's reaction.

Tewi: Nope.

Reisen only sighed, slightly annoyed by Tewi's usual antics before looking towards her other guests.

Reisen: They're still asleep, huh?

Tewi: Well, all three of you did go all out for no reason.

(Y/N): No onions, please!

You immediately shot up from your makeshift bed and quickly looked around to realize your situation.

(Y/N): Oh... Thats right...! *ahem* Morning.

Tewi: Morning *laughs*

You were confused by her laughing as she was practically rolling on the floor.

(Y/N): What? There something on my face?!

Tewi: I didn't even need anything like that! You were talking in your sleep!

Meanwhile, Patchouli slowly rose from her own bedding and let out a soft yawn.

Patchouli: *yawns* He does that...

(Y/N): ... The hell did I say this time?

Tewi: *laughs* Something about taking Reisen out on a date for tacos! Whatever the hell those are *laughs*

You were blushing a little bit as well as the other rabbit eared girl was blushing madly, in embarrassment, at the comment. The both of you were silent while Tewi continued to laugh until the bedroom door slid open.

???: Good, all of you are awake!

The next thing you knew, you were looking at a girl with long black hair wearing a pink and red dress. She seemed to have suffered battle wounds as they seemed a little tattered with quite a few scratches around her body.

(Y/N): Cute... Beautiful even...!

Everyone then grew silent while staring at you.

(Y/N): I... really need to break out of that happen.

Once again, the black haired rabbit girl broke into more laughter, Reisen was quite confused at your constant comments and Patchouli simply rolled her eyes.

???: *small giggle* It's fine, in fact I should thank you for your compliment. However, there are a few things that we must discuss before sending you and your friends home.

(Y/N): Oh, where are they now? Miss...?

???: You may call me Kaguya.

Kaguya Houraisan

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