The Trial of Guts Part 1

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(Y/N): Oh yeah, let's get this party started!!!

At the moment, you were already feeling a little inebriated from consuming some alcohol before the feast even started. You were raising a glass high into the air with everyone else raising their glasses as well, while cheering, before lowering them to enjoy themselves.

Ran: Okay, you can lower your glass now.

You realized that the cheering had already ended before losing your glass while giggling.

(Y/N): Right, right *small laughter*

You then chugged the last of the cold beer and placed the glass onto the table.

Ran: (Y/N), the party had only just started.

Chen: And you're already drunk!

(Y/N): Damn right I am!

A fairy maid quickly flew over and refilled your drink before flying away to serve others.

(Y/N): Great call on the fairy maids, Sakuya! It's great to see them again!

One of them even flew over to give you a small fist bump before returning to her duties.

Sakuya, who was sitting across from you, lightly smiled in amusement at your current state.

Sakuya: They did miss your company and of course, it'd be waste for the guests to be the ones serving everyone.

However, you weren't exactly paying attention as you had pulled in one of the fairy maids and attempted to get her to drink with you.

Fairy Maid: Sir, please! I need to get back to my duties!

(Y/N): Come on, just have a drink with me! I really missed all of you!

Fairy Mais: We do too but Miss Sakuya is right there, sir!

(Y/N): Oh right, sorry.

You released your hold of the fairy maid and she quickly returned to tending to the others.

Fairy Maid: Perhaps some other time!

So you returned to drinking your alcohol, along with your group, as the festival carried onwards.

Ran: *sigh* At least have some self control, please!

(Y/N): Come on, Ran, lighten up a little.

Kaguya: Yes, please! It's really amusing to see (Y/N) enjoy himself to the fullest!

Eirin: *sigb* I'd be careful around him, my lady.

(Y/N): See? Thank you, princess! Really glad we're friends now!

From the table behind your groups sat the former lunarians chatting amongst themselves while one of them was enjoying your good mood. As Ran only sighed to herself to make sure Lady Yukari isn't in the same state, Reisen decided to slip into the seat to join you.

(Y/N): Oh? You're here to have a drink?

Reisen: Just not too much.

You immediately whistled loudly and a fairy maid quickly approached with a bottle of sake and a couple of class cups.

Meanwhile, in another table, sat Yukari Yakumo enjoying the festivities with her friend, Yuyuko.

Yukari: By any chance... Have you heard from Rosa?

Yuyuko: Unfortunately, she still wishes to remain alone... I feel awfully terrible... I just wish there's something we can do to help her.

Yukari: Do not stress too much about it, eventually she'll come around.

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