Levi Colwill

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request: Levi Colwill and you cooking dinner together inviting family and friends over to celebrate him being included in the euros squad


"Woah so are we having the whole family here?" Levi asked as he walked in and saw how much food there was laid out on the table. "We just invited a few people babe" you smirked.

"Why, you didn't need to do that?" Levi asked.

"I did Levi, it is a huge occasion and you deserve to be celebrated baby" you gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm lucky that I have you" he cuddled you and wrapped his hands around your waist.

"You are the best actually" the doorbell interrupted your cuddle as you ran to get it as it was all your friends and family.

"Levi" they all run in squealing with excitement to celebrate Levi making the euro squad. "We are all so proud of you" you shouted as they cuddled him and surrounded him so tightly. the rest of the night was where they celebrated Levi and had an amazing evening.

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