
201 17 3


𓆟 vs 𐂯


The three of us walking along the streets as I sat between them and I definetely know how high the tension are since I am getting pretty uncomfortable under their stares. Suddenly, I feel someone hand on mine and it's Mingyu. He smile to me cutely and I replied with a single smile and out of a sudden, I feel another hand on mine as I sigh tiredly.

The whole time of us walking, the only things I keep doing is praying how long this day gonna be. As soon as we arrived, I pull away my hands from the two of them and Mingyu quickly look at me, slightly pouting meanwhile Wonwoo just staring at me with his glasses on.

"Let's take a sit shall we?"

Me and Wonwoo actually met yesterday. Yes, the day I met Joshua. Joshua told me that me and Wonwoo definetely need to end this properly because the more I avoided it, the more pain I felt in my heart because I am one hundred percent sure that I am not yet fully move on from him.

So, I decided to contact him and told him that we need to end this properly and he agreed. That is why we're here. Not for Mingyu though because if I actually be honest with him, telling him that Im going to meet Wonwoo, he will definetely stop me from going and trap me inside the house and I am actually very grateful (not really) that the both of them finally met properly.

"Y/n, come sit with me"

My eyes automatically when to Wonwoo, who's definetely trying his best to hold his anger. I was actually sympathy with him but then, a flash of memories about him kissing another girls and I quickly sat beside Mingyu.

"Let's discuss about our relationship and no matter what happen, we gonna end this today"

"And I disagree especially with this guy over here"


They started it again.

"Stop it already will both of you. Mingyu-ah.. can you please sit at the other table so me and Wonwoo can discuss about it peacefully"



And that is how it happen, Mingyu sat behind our table, glaring at Wonwoo the whole times as Wonwoo just ignored the existen of him. By this, you could definetely see the differences between both of them and I actually do because Mingyu is a golden retriever or should I call a puppy meanwhile Wonwoo is a completely opposite or more like a black cat.



"I am so sorry. I should have knew that you're actually suffering-"

"Would it suffer you if you see me kissing another guy infront of you?"

He went silence, his eye down, playing his thumb over and over again, his habit of anxiety. Wonwoo is actually a spy and he have been acting as a fuckboy in the club to collect all of the information. It hurts that all of his work leaded to something like that. Seeing your love on kissing another girl is such a pain in the ass.

"Im sorry but seriously, I said that to her because she keep threatening me that he will hurt you-"

"You do know that I have always in dangerous ever since you are so called my boyfriend right?"

Again. He keep his mouth shut for this time because he do realizes how fuck up he is. His heart ache because he have been hurting his girl for the straight years yet he don't even realizes it.

"It hurts so bad Wonwoo-ah... do you even know that I almost got kidnapped because of your enemy?"

His eyes widen up, meeting yours. You immediately nodded your head as a smirk form on your lips.

"Looks like you don't even know anything about me"


"No. It's okay. I understand that you're busy with your work and I really hope you do understand why I wanted us to be over"

A single tear fell down from his eyes. This is definetely the first time I seeing him crying because Wonwoo have never let down his gut no matter what happen. I don't know why but I feel a bit powerful seeing the cold guy crying because of me.


His hand reach mines which is suddenly got push from my hand. I look up to see Mingyu glaring at him with anger.

"How dare you touch her after what you did to her?"

"This has nothing with you"

I stand up from my seat as soon as Wonwoo stand up as well, ready to fight with Mingyu which I don't want it to happen. It do be more hurtful seeing both the person that I once cared and I actually care fighting, ending up hurting each other.

I took Mingyu's hand and pull him with me to the exit but before that, I turn around with a teary eyes.

"I hope you respect my decision because no matter what happen, my heart will never be open for you again"

From the conner of my eyes, I could see him clutching his fist, holding himself from punching the wall and for the first time, I hear a muffle cry from him making me hesitated to leave him for a second but Mingyu seems are thinking otherwise. He pull me out from the cafe, bring me to somewhere I don't even know because I can't even think properly, even my sight was blurry. I feel like everything is such a mess.

All i want to do is lock myself in my room.

Soon he stops and I as well stop. I couldn't even bear myself to look up at him yet his hand found itself on both side of my cheeks. His eyes meet mine and finally, the ice wall broke and I can't help myself to cry in his arm. His hand rubbing my small back to sooth it down and I cried even harder.

It hurt so bad because this little heart of mine still sew with his name. How am I going to move on when he's the one I love for the straight years of us being together. The memories of him and I laughing together in each other arm is such a bless and I admit, I miss the old us. The one that will always seems excited to see me. The one that will always stole a kiss whenever he had a chances to even if we are actually in public.

His sweet words still bond in my mind and after a few years facing the same issues.. seeing him with another girls for his mission. I should have prepared for this. I should have prepare more so it would hurt less than I thought it would but then, here I am, nonstop crying in someone's arm.

"Am I that bad Mingyu-ah?"

"No.. you're the most perfect girl I have ever known"

"Then why does everyone that I love leave me?"

"Who said that hm? Im still here for you and I will never leave you y/n.. I will never"


𓆟 vs 𐂯


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