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Anyways hi :3 new chapter hehe I most definitely did not forget to post this for like 2 weeks whaaaaat noooo 😋

Have a special show up of a shady little fella as a treat, this is a bit of a long one, please accept my cooking ;;

TW's at bottom to avoid potential spoilers. As I said last time, they'll be at the bottom from now on. If you're triggered easily or just worried, skip down to read them and be safe <3

Enjoy ~


He grappled for anything he could find purchase on. The walls, the sink, the handles of the cabinet above it. Trembling hands dug through the few supplies until finally gripping onto the handle of a light box. His legs shook and quivered, trying their hardest to hold him up as he set the box on the sink, opening it with fumbling fingers and gripping the nearly gone roll of bandages. He knew he should clean the wounds, blood steadily dripping onto tiled floors only serving as a reminder he didn't have much time for that.

Cleaning could wait until his hands no longer trembled and his mind was no longer running. How he ended up here, Sabre almost had no idea himself, the memory of it blurred in his haste to escape and get himself patched up. He was out looking for food, something to sustain himself with now that he'd lost the reliable farms and bakeries of the Rainbow Kingdom, kicked out heartlessly even after all of his work. He understood why, but a nagging in the back of his mind screamed about how unfair it was and thrashed against the bars of his mind in an attempt to get him to act on the pushed away anger.

He remembered hiding, the white armor of Colorless Guards, pain, and running. He's not sure how he even got home - body on autopilot and dragging itself kicking and screaming unconsciously. He wrapped the limited bandages around his arm, trying to ignore the ever consistent presence of his shadow hanging back. He was just glad the shade managed to hold his tongue from any snide remarks. He wouldn't be able to handle that on top of the hurry to get himself fixed up.

The bandages didn't do much for him, he only had enough to cover the deep cuts on his arm and half of the deep gash in his leg. So he trudged his way into his room, digging through the fairly poorly put together dresser and grabbing an extra shirt. It would have to do, so he shucked his pants off the rest of the way and tore the shirt, balling half of it up and tying it off with the rest of it. The pants and his shirt were torn in various places, so bloody he wasn't sure the stains would ever come out, so probably a lost cause.

He tore his torn shirt off, biting back a cry at the way his arm screamed in protest. He took a deep, stuttering breath, his chest shuddering and painfully going along with the motion. He slipped a cleaner shirt on, snatching his hoodie off of the top of the dresser and slipping it on to feel better about his crying wounds. With another painful, shaky breath, he trudged over to his similarly poorly put together bed. The nest looked inviting, cozy and calling for him, promising respite against all that ailed him in the unforgiving world.

And oh, was he weak to its sugar coated promises. A simple moment of rest was all he ever desired, and he knew each time he was blessed with one it wouldn't last long, but a part of him could care less. His body ached, shivering in pain as he curled into the nest, pressing into the stolen shirts with fading scents of people he'd once found comfort in. The troubles they'd caused him were ignored, forgotten, almost, in his instinct to curl into their familiar, comforting scents.

The bed dipped beside him, and he paid no mind to the copycat. Rest, rest was all that was on his mind, small claws digging into his eyelids and pulling them down. And who was he to refuse such a tempting offer?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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