Kiss Me

207 7 13


So sorry for the lack of updates, I have once again hit a low and a lot of things aren't going too swell for me rn, so my writings been here and there and I haven't had much time or motivation ueueu

I do have some things being worked on, veeeeeeery slowly, I'm sorry ;- ;

Regardless, here's some food for thines souls, some delicious angst to hold you off <3

TW's will be put at the end from now on to avoid potential spoilers. If you're someone who triggers easily, skip to the bottom and read first.


Sabre glanced up at Time from his spot a little further away. His partner was tending to the sheep, refilling their hay and water troughs, while Sabre himself tended to their crops. He smiled, watching as Time worked for a bit before refocusing on his own task for the sake of getting it done faster, and not at all because Time caught him staring. (And if he was, WHICH HE WASN'T, Time's been caught staring too, so he has no room to look so smug.)

He finished after a few more minutes, standing and wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his dirt covered hand. He huffed, glaring up at the harsh sun like it was trying to burn him alive. Gods, he hated the heat. So sweaty and gross. Icky.

Time called Sabre's name, waving him over to the house with a smile. Sabre smiled back, eager to get in and clean himself. Time went ahead while he kicked off his boots and tore his dirt stained gloves off, setting away the hoe and the watering can. He joined Time in the bathroom, letting Time help him undress before stepping into the shower with him. They helped each other clean off, sharing sappy compliments and sweet pecks occasionally.

Sabre pressed himself against Time's chest, trilling as they simply held each other and basked in the warmth of the shower, and each other. Time pressed a kiss to Sabre's head, smiling when Sabre's earwings lifted to shield their faces from the water. They gazed at each other for a moment, Time breaking into a smile when Sabre finally spoke.

"Kiss me."

"Kiss me."

"Kiss me."

"K̵̛̬̱̯̳̗̗͖͚͎̑̏̕͜i̶͉͙̤̯̜̪͈̞͒͗̓͆͑͠͝͝s̴̝̙͈͈̫͔̼̆͆͝s̷̮̼̭͔͔͗̽̚ ̶̝̣̠͇̭̝̰̅̓̒̎͗̊̈́̈̈́͜m̴̱͉̗͉̩̦͔̝̪̻̀̂̌̈́̊̆̂͒̔é̷̘̜͍̻̯̠̬͖͂̂͘͠."

"..kill me."

He stared at the bloody face of his lover, his usual bandanna gone, showing off scared, tearful eyes.

"I won't stay down much longer.. Kill me. I'll only wake up stronger."

Time stayed silent, kneeling down next to his boyfriend and shaking his head. His mask wasn't there to hide his tears.

"Kill me. I've opened up the path. You'll wake up from this scary dream and laugh," Sabre muttered softly, giving the best reassuring smile he could muster, leaning up to press Time into a chaste kiss before pulling back.

Time could taste the familiar tang of Sabre's blood in the kiss, instinctively leaning forwards for another. Unlike usual, when Sabre would giggle and amuse him by leaning in for another, Sabre pulled away and shook his head. The darkness along his chest writhed, spreading once again, small tendrils reaching up Sabre's neck and spreading along his cheek.

Sabre grinned, sharp teeth, tainted red with his blood. His eyes narrowed, something cold and unfamiliar, hostile and no longer full of love and devotion for his Timepiece.

"Oh, 'kiss me'!" Sabre - no, not him, not anymore - mocked, his voice distorted and full of sadistic entertainment. Time pulled back, gripping a dagger in his hand, Sabre's dagger, with two of his friends' names carved into the handle. 'Sabre' snarled, extending a hand and trying to lunge.



Implied major character death
Infection of sorts
Blood and wound mentions (non-graphic)
Slight violence ?
Can't think of anything, tell me if you spot something you think should be warned

BOOM 💥 BAM 💥 WHAPOW 💥 here's some food teehee

The third kiss me was supposed to be crossed out but it didn't work so use ur mind plz 😔😔🔥

I MAY OR MAY NOT DISAPPEAR AGAIN BUT FEAR NOT FOR I ALWAYS RETURN ‼️‼️‼️‼️ (..eventually.. probably.. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ KACHOW 💥💥)


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