Little Jars of Blood

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I worked on this for like the past two hours I'm feral and insane HURHEUEHE anyways more TimeBre but ngl it can be read as romantic or platonic easily, unlike my usual mainly romantically implied things, so 🔥 I feel like the first few bits feel kinda iffy cuz I worked on it in school so motivation wasn't too great, but I feel like it gets better towards the 9th bit cuz that 1-2am writing hits different 😼

Anyways :3 I may mix personalities up bc Scarian brainrot, i hate them, they plague my mind and every waking hours, and fanfic writers aren't helping (I'm lying, I love them, they make me bawl with how sad but DISGUSTINGLY cute they are UGH 😡)

Anyways x2, ENJOY!! Or don't idk bruh

Consumption of raw meat
Cutting (not inherently SH intended)
Blood drinking
Attempted non-consensual drinking/feeding
Minor? violence
Goreyish/violent thoughts (not in detail I don't think)
Implied cannibalism
Technical cannibalism
I think that's it :) wow this sounds a lot worse than it is HAHAHA 😭


Baking was one of the few things Time could do to relax and take a break from the stress of helping Sabre save the steve's from whatever new person or thing decided they should cause havoc. And recently, he'd found a slightly altered recipe that supposedly made the cookies much softer on the inside with a bit more crunch on the outside. Just the way he and Sabre liked them. And he was currently in the process of making said delicacies, waiting for them to finish baking.

That being said, he wasn't expecting a sudden weight to push into him, luckily leaning him into the counter instead of the warm smoker. Nor was he expecting a series of feral growls from the thing, or person, who pushed him. At first he'd assumed Sabre was getting cuddly, and maybe accidentally knocked into him too hard. But he was beginning to rethink that line of thought.

He turned his head, surprised to find the exact person he'd started to think it wasn't. Sabre looked back, pale and sweaty and panting. He looked sick, and the strange, not-very-human sounding sounds he was making were making Time concerned for both his and Sabre's safety.

"Sabre..? You alright there..?" he asked tentatively as he slowly turned to fully face the player. Sabre stared back, silent aside from the odd sounds. His hands twitched at his sides and repeatedly clenched fistfulls of his pants.

Time studied him for a moment longer before trying again, "Sabre? You're worrying me."

Something seemed to snap in Sabre when Time tilted his head. He snarled, lunging at the steve again and pinning him further against the counter. Time gasped, using his arms to catch himself before his back broke or something. Sabre paid no mind to the potential chance of injury, instead grabbing fistfulls of Times cloak and leaning over him, almost having to stand on his tippy-toes just to reach wherever he was trying to.

Time moved his face away from the barred fangs of the player, lifting a hand to push against Sabre's chest. "Sabre, what are you doing?!"

Sabre ignored him again, growling and attempting to pull them closer together. He was grabbing at the collar of Time's shirt, trying to pull it down for something. Time made a grab for both of Sabre's wrists, pushing him away to get the sharp edge of the counter off his back. The player struggled, using more force than Time has ever felt him use, but he still wasn't a match for the much stronger steve.

"Sabre, snap out of it! I don't want to hurt you!" Time stressed, pushing the shorter back further. He flipped their positions, pinning Sabre's wrists against the counter. Sabre growled, thrashing in his hold. His feathers puffed up and his ear-wings raised and fluttered angrily. He kept trying to push himself to Time's neck, snapping his jaws repeatedly. He truly did look feral, like something in him snapped; the final thread tying him to humanity finally giving, dropping him into a pit of feral emotions he had no control over.

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